Carmen tiene 50 años y desea quitarse una vida que parece haberla dado siempre la espalda. Sin embargo, un mensaje inesperado en su móvil se lo impide. Su padre, con el que lleva prácticamente toda una vida sin hablarse, le pide que le visite debido a un asunto urgente. Carmen, ya sin nada que perder, acude y el reencuentro provocará una avalancha de acontecimientos dramáticos y revelaciones que lo cambiarán absolutamente todo.
Executive Producer
Upon coming home for dinner with his dad, a young man realizes that his father's grief over a tragic loss may be evolving into something more complex.
This films reveals the extraordinary variety of life found in the vast blue expanses of the
open ocean. Here, all the action takes place in a 10 metre deep band of water, just under the surface. Many species use this section of water to migrate and hunt while others use ingenious ways to stay hidden where there appears to be no shelter.
Short-finned pilot whales are known as the "Cheetahs of the Deep" for their ability to dive at high speed to hundreds of metres in search of prey. This film documents the lives of these highly sociable mammals and reveals a complex social behavior which is unique to this species.