Sean Simms


Sincerely Truly Christmas
When a magical Christmas wish goes wrong and inadvertently gives Christina the ability to hear what gifts everyone wants for the holidays, she quickly learns that convincing reclusive one-hit wonder, Dan Copren, to step back into the limelight could make a lot of people happy. But to get to Dan, Christina must first link up with her handsome realtor, Robert, and help him figure out his son Oliver’s ever-changing Christmas wish list.
Endless Summer
Keith's Father
Keith has spent his whole life dreaming about Alicia. On his last day in town he tries desperately to be noticed by her, but his plans get foiled by his embarrassing grandmother, bullying sister, demanding father, and Alicia's 'player' boyfriend.
Superhero Movie
Barry Bonds
Parodia de las películas de superhéroes, desde Spider-Man, hasta Batman Begins o Los 4 Fantásticos, de nuevo a cargo de los creadores de "Scary Movie". En esta ocasion la historia se centra en Rick Riker, un joven agradable pero muy torpe que adquiere superpoderes.
2 Minutes Later
When lesbian detective Abigail Marks teams up with gay guy Michael Dalmar to solve the disappearance of his twin, Kyle Dalmar, a famed portrait photographer, their investigation leads them into the Kyle's risque world. With Michael posing as Kyle, the pair uncover assistants who have designs on their bosses, clients who have an interest in detectives, and killers who want them stopped.