Director of Photography
Luis, un joven mexicano de 18 años de raíces indígenas, ingresa al Heroico Colegio Militar con la esperanza de asegurarse un futuro mejor. Allí, se encuentra con un sistema rígido e institucionalmente violento diseñado para convertirlo en un soldado perfecto.
A mystical sci-fi based on Saint Teresa de Avila's writings. Inside a ghostly mausoleum, these nuns are being affected by a black hole.
Director of Photography
Since her sister’s disappearance, Jax has cared for her niece Roki by scraping by on the Seneca-Cayuga Reservation in Oklahoma. Every spare minute goes into finding her missing sister while also helping Roki prepare for an upcoming powwow. At the risk of losing custody to Jax’s grandfather, Frank, the pair hit the road and scour the backcountry to track down Roki’s mother in time for the powwow. What begins as a search gradually turns into a far deeper investigation into the complexities and contradictions of Indigenous women moving through a colonized world and at the mercy of a failed justice system.
Director of Photography
Carmen descubre que su abuela le ha dejado algo más que una casa como herencia.
Director of Photography
Tras sufrir un traumático accidente, Adrienne (Sienna Miller) se encuentra desorientada en una especie de limbo, atrapada en el tiempo y observando pasar la vida desde la distancia. Obligada a enfrentarse a su difícil relación con su pareja desde hace años, Matteo (Diego Luna), y el futuro de su hija pequeña, Adrienne debe revivir y reimaginar los eventos de su pasado reciente, además de resolver el misterio de su accidente. Sólo podrá hacerlo entrando en un mundo de oscuridad con Matteo mientras trata de buscar pistas que le permitan entender qué fue exactamente lo que falló entre ambos.
Director of Photography
Besieged by cancer and nearing the end, the genius Argentine-Brazilian filmmaker Héctor Babenco (1946-2016) asks Bárbara Paz, his wife, for one last wish: to be the protagonist of his own death.
Director of Photography
Ciudad de México, noviembre de 1901. La policía realiza una redada en un vivienda particular donde se está celebrando una fiesta secreta. Entre los asistentes se encuentra el yerno del presidente Porfirio Díaz.
Director of Photography
Francisco estaba construyendo una lujosa casa en México donde un fatal accidente provocó la muerte de su hermano. Cuando Francisco se entera de que su cuñada viuda no recibirá una compensación del opulento dueño de la casa, buscará justicia.
Director of Photography
Hala (Geraldine Viswanathan) es una joven estadounidense de origen pakistaní que lucha por encontrar el equilibrio entre sus deseos, la tradición y la religión. En el proceso, Hala descubre un secreto que podría arruinar a su familia.
Director of Photography
The history of the Stonewall Riots is equally as cherished as it is charged. There are questions of who was there, who "threw the first brick" and who can claim Stonewall. This film doesn’t answer these questions but instead it aims to expand the story of Stonewall by including more voices in its telling by bringing together voices from over 50 years of LGBTQ activism to explore the ongoing legacy of Stonewall.
Director of Photography
In the remote mountains of Southwestern New Mexico that has long been a ranching country, only a handful of men still know the old cowboy ways. Our Mother the Mountain is a documentary poem told entirely in the voices of three old cowboys who eked out a hardscrabble existence in rough terrain. This is an elegy before they will disappear, a story of solitude, loss, and rugged beauty.
Director of Photography
Weird goings on in a family front room. ‘Shimmy! Hello, shoulder! Hello, shoulder!’
Director of Photography
Un niño hondureño de 12 años queda atrapado dentro del rígido proceso de inmigración de Estados Unidos.
Director of Photography
During a reluctant trip to her late Grandmother's home in the middle of nowhere, Nancy learns that a person's sentiment and complexities aren't limited to the things they leave behind. Created for TNT's Shatterbox project.
Director of Photography
Minsk, Bielorrusia, 1996. Velya, una aspirante a DJ, quiere trasladarse a Chicago para hacer realidad sus sueños, pero la burocracia, una línea telefónica y la condición humana le pondrán obstáculos difíciles de evitar.
Director of Photography
J is in their early teens and lives in the countryside. J has been diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder, goes by the selected pronoun “they”, and takes hormone blockers to suspend puberty. While J’s parents are away, their older sister and her Iranian boyfriend are assigned the duties of house-sitting and looking after J.
Director of Photography
Guilt is a direct window into the undeniable violence experienced by children today and the involuntary repression that they must undergo within a society that tolerates abuse. A short film about sexual impulses in adolescence, repression and child abuse, a meager, precise, and very tough film, like a documentary. A searing drama about boyhood cruelty and the societal forces behind it. On a camping trip, two kids and their fathers spend some time in the great outdoors. The boys are mostly left on their own, to fish, ride four-wheelers, and argue over their favorite soccer stars. As the day progresses though, the mood darkens when one of the boys begins provoking the other in unsettling ways. Set against picturesque woodsy vistas and idyllic horse rides.
Director of Photography
Rebelde e ingeniosa, Erica Vandross es una joven de 17 años que vive con su madre soltera Laurie y su nuevo novio Bob en el Valle de San Fernando, en Los Ángeles. Cuando el hijo mentalmente desequilibrado de Bob, Luke, llega de rehabilitación para vivir con la familia, Erica se ve abrumada. Con Luke y sus compinches Kala y Claudine a cuestas, Erica decide actuar y expone un oscuro secreto de Will, profesor de secundaria, con resultados muy peligrosos, pues se convertirá en un importante catalizador para que los adolescentes maduren de manera inesperada e impredecible.
Director of Photography
Ulises, de 15 años, y Sofía, de 14, son dos adolescentes enamorados que caen en las manos de Marcos, el padre de Ulises, quien obliga a su hijo a prostituir a chicas jóvenes, haciendo que Sofía sea su primera víctima. Así, Ulises termina por entrar al mundo que negó: el negocio de tráfico de mujeres que existe en su familia.
Camera Operator
Maria, a competitive woman in her late 30's orders a clone from North Korea under the pretense of getting some help around the house so she can spend more time with her husband and two kids, but mostly to compete with her flawless friend Ari.
Director of Photography