Drew Russell


In the future, death row criminals are given a chance to gain a pardon, on a "survivor" style reality show, only to find the island is full of zombie ex-contestants. (It's as bad as it sounds)
El deseo y la bestia
Constable Smith
Tras ocurrir una serie de inexplicables crímenes, el inspector Quenell es asignado al caso. Sus investigaciones le llevarán hasta un científico que ha conseguido crear una especie de mariposa vampiro que crece desmesuradamente y ataca a los seres humanos para beberse su sangre.
La condesa de Hong Kong
Natascha, una bella condesa rusa afincada en Hong Kong, ve en un rico americano la oportunidad de viajar a los Estados Unidos y establecerse allí.
Chasing Rabbits
Her mother abandoned her to join a cult when she was a child. Now in her 30’s, Penny's father has gone missing. Has the cult kidnapped him? Now alone in the world, Penny decides to infiltrate the cult, posing as a new member, to save her father before it is too late.