Unapologetically brash in dialogue and texture GOODNIGHT JOSEPH PARKER is the classic love story brought to a no-pleasantries bar room. Girl loves man who loves woman, woman isn't worth his time. Into that mix throw in a hopeless drunk with a good heart and weak stomach, a bartender who's more desperate than his customers and Steven Tyler as a shameless bad boy looking for a good time and fast woman. Powerful, gritty, hard hitting and raw.
White Guy
Pestario Vargas, alias Peste, es un estafador de poca monta cargado de deudas, entre cuyos acreedores se incluye la mafia, que acepta una sorprendente oferta de un tipo enigmático llamado Gustav: podrá cobrar un millón de dólares si consigue sobrevivir 24 horas a una cacería... en la que él será la presa. Peste acepta y, desde ese momento, se convertirá en el blanco de toda clase de persecuciones, trampas y emboscadas de las que deberá salir indemne para poder cobrar el dinero...
Sharon y Kate ,dos exuberantes bellezas,son acusadas de asesinato y sentenciadas a cumplir condena en UNA celebre prisión. Allí se ven obligadas a sufrir las brutales vejaciones propias de un sistema legal corrupto y de los depravados funcionarios. Al poco tiempo ,el perverso juez Winters y la directora de la institución obligan a las dos presas a prostituirse para una organización secreta dirigida por una élite de poderosos políticos que abusan de las indefensas presidiarias.
Josh Stillman
A free-spirited natural beauty teaches an entire family to reconnect with their own sexuality. Elke is invited to stay with the Stillman family in their luxurious home in Malibu. The outward appearances of a happy and successful family soon dissolve as Elke finds each to have emotional and sexual problems that only she can help them overcome.
A young woman named Jennifer is propositioned by an older woman to have sex with her husband for money. Jennifer has trouble with this decision as it is morally wrong to her but she really needs the money to help her fiancee out of debt so they can get married. There may be more to the situation than meets the eye.