Robert Breuler


Cuando Jeff intentó salvar el mundo
El Diablo
El actor de culto Jon Heder ("Napoleon Dynamite") da vida a Jeff, gerente de una bolera de las de toda la vida, quien, tras descubrir los planes de venta del propietario, decide usar todas sus armas para salvarla: desde un conserje pervertido a un campeón de bolos de 90 años, pasando por la opinión de Pac-Man tras una extraña conversación bajo los efectos de la medicación.Basada en el cortometraje "When Jeff Tried to Save the World" -también protagonizado por Heder, dirigido por Kendall Goldberg y escrito por la propia Goldberg junto a Rachel Borgo-, la película muestra a toda esa gente común y corriente que no piensa cambiar hasta que se ve obligada a ello... ¡hasta Jeff se da cuenta de que no necesita su medicación!
Starring Austin Pendleton
A quirky and inspirational documentary film on the philosophical approach to the life and work of character actor, Austin Pendleton.
A disgruntled veteran unable to adjust back into society justifies domestic terrorism by interpreting his actions with alien invasion.
A Piece of Eden
Franco Tredici
A bittersweet comedy that follows three generations of the unlucky Tredici family from Corsica in the 1940's to an Indiana fruit farm in the present.
Love and Action in Chicago
Just when covert assassin Eddie Jones decides to ditch his dangerous job to settle down with his girlfriend, his superiors convince him to kill a renegade drug cartel hit man -- leading to nothing but trouble. Complicating matters is Eddie's vow of celibacy and the fact that Lois is unaware of his murderous lifestyle.
El crisol
Judge Hathorne
En 1692, en la puritana ciudad de Salem (Massachussetts), un grupo de chicas es acusado de practicar la brujería. Una de ellas, Abigail Williams, procesada por esta razón, presenta a su vez cargos contra John Proctor y su esposa Elizabeth para vengarse de ellos: cuando fue su sirvienta tuvo una aventura con John, que acabó rechazándola para volver con su mujer
Mr. Kibby
The solo actor in Shimmer tells the story by becoming each character in turn. The play takes place in 1956, in a harsh Midwestern juvenile detention center, where two boys befriend each other.
The Paint Job
White wino
The peaceful existence of a suburban backwater is disrupted when Wesley, a troubled housepainter falls for Margaret, the sensitive wife of his boss, Willie. In a small town nothing stays a secret for long however, and as each becomes more suspicious of the other underlying tensions culminate in a bizarre orgy of violence.
Keeper of the City
A vigilante killer becomes a celebrity by gunning down Chicago mobsters, but nobody except a police detective and a local journalist seems eager to catch him.