Irina Ochina

Irina Ochina

Nacimiento : 1977-03-12,


Irina Ochina


Queridos camaradas
Production Design
Lyudmila es miembro del partido comunista local y una gran defensora de los ideales del régimen. Durante una huelga laboral en una fábrica de motores, ve cómo el ejército, enviado por el Gobierno, dispara a los manifestantes produciéndose así una masacre. Este suceso cambiará sus ideales y valores políticos para siempre. Con la ciudad destruida y agitada por las revueltas, mucha gente resulta herida o desaparecida, entre ellas la hija de Lyudmila, lo que la obligará a buscarla entre el caos de la ciudad.
Production Design
A well-known civil servant from the Mayor's Office in a provincial Russian town receives a note: You'll soon die. He takes no notice, and gets ready for his normal Sunday – family problems, his personal life, work, other matters… But this Sunday turns out very far from normal. From the very start things come crashing down, smiting everything in its path, including all plans, external composure, and even his own life.
Strangers of Patience
Production Design
Andrey is a well-known artist photographer who lives alone with his Labrador dog, Charley, in his own house with a swimming pool in a big city. While preparing for an important international exhibition, he meets a charming young woman Marina who turns out to be deaf and mute. Andrey brings Marina to his place, takes her photos and keeps her at his place for the night. The same repeats on the second day. Neither does he let her go away on the third day. Finally, the girl understands that she is a prisoner and tries to escape.
The Bottomless Bag
Production Design
Based on Ryunosuke Akutagawa's In a Grove, story takes place during the times of Tsar Alexander II. A lady-in-waiting tells the Emperor in his bedroom a metaphysical story about a 13th century prince who is killed in the woods under mysterious circumstances. Fairy tale characters who have witnessed the terrible death, all share their version of the events, gradually shedding light on what really happened.
Production Design
russian comedy
Production Design
Sigue los pasos de tres personas cuyos caminos se cruzan en los terribles tiempos de la II Guerra Mundial. Olga es una aristócrata rusa miembro de la Resistencia Francesa que es arrestada por la policía nazi por ocultar a dos niños judíos durante una redada. Arrestada y enviada a la cárcel en espera de una decisión final, en prisión conoce a Jules, un funcionario francés colaboracionista que debe investigar su caso. Allí también se encontrará con Helmut, un alto oficial de las SS, que hace muchos años fuera su amante y que todavía parece mantener sentimientos por ella.
Camino a Berlín
Production Design
El film retrata el cruce de los ríos Oder y Neisse y los esfuerzos por dispersar al ejército alemán a apenas 60 kilómetros de Berlín.
A Dark Room Mystery
Production Design
After discovering a dark window which appears on the wall every midnight two boys decide to investigate the mystery of a dark room behind the window.