Atanas Georgiev


Documental sobre la última mujer recolectora de abejas de Europa. Hatidze es una mujer cerca de la cincuentena de un pequeño pueblo en Macedonia que cría colonias de abejas en unos cestos hechos a mano que deja escondidos entre las rocas. Sin protección ni ayuda, es capaz de amansarlas para poder extraer la miel y venderla en la capital. Todo es idílico hasta que, de repente, nuevos vecinos se instalan cerca de las colmenas, estorbando su paz y la de sus abejas. Así como las abejas obreras pasan toda su vida cuidando de la abeja reina, Hatidze ha comprometido su propia vida al cuidado de su madre, con la que vive en una cabaña. La intrusión de los recién llegados, una familia con siete niños ruidosos acompañados de 150 vacas, provocará un conflicto que podría destruir la forma de vida de Hatidze para siempre.
Documental sobre la última mujer recolectora de abejas de Europa. Hatidze es una mujer cerca de la cincuentena de un pequeño pueblo en Macedonia que cría colonias de abejas en unos cestos hechos a mano que deja escondidos entre las rocas. Sin protección ni ayuda, es capaz de amansarlas para poder extraer la miel y venderla en la capital. Todo es idílico hasta que, de repente, nuevos vecinos se instalan cerca de las colmenas, estorbando su paz y la de sus abejas. Así como las abejas obreras pasan toda su vida cuidando de la abeja reina, Hatidze ha comprometido su propia vida al cuidado de su madre, con la que vive en una cabaña. La intrusión de los recién llegados, una familia con siete niños ruidosos acompañados de 150 vacas, provocará un conflicto que podría destruir la forma de vida de Hatidze para siempre.
Half-sisters from a small coastal town who were never that close are forced by circumstance to share a flat in Ljubljana.
A patriarchal father from an isolated Macedonian village has to face the greatest challenge in his life. We witness the moment that shatters all his perceived reality and challenges all his beliefs. Will he be able to overcome and accept the new reality or are we about to witness a great tragedy?
Avec l'amour
A simple story, but larger than life portrayal of the universal human saga represented through Dionis, a retiring biology professor, his wife and his fantasy of turning his unusual car collection into a museum in a small uneventful town.
The life of a young man struggling between the moral dilemmas, society where he lives, personal problems and the love of his life.
Balkan Is Not Dead
A Macedonian family from Bitola at the turn of the twentieth century tries to survive, preserve its roots and remain together.
Cash & Marry
Marko and Atanas are two friends whose lives would be sweet as strudel but for an annoying little problem with their papers. They need a European passport and they are prepared to do almost anything to get one, including buying a wife. With nothing but their brass necks and 7,000 euros, they set out to find the woman of their dreams.
Cash & Marry
Marko and Atanas are two friends whose lives would be sweet as strudel but for an annoying little problem with their papers. They need a European passport and they are prepared to do almost anything to get one, including buying a wife. With nothing but their brass necks and 7,000 euros, they set out to find the woman of their dreams.
Cash & Marry
Marko and Atanas are two friends whose lives would be sweet as strudel but for an annoying little problem with their papers. They need a European passport and they are prepared to do almost anything to get one, including buying a wife. With nothing but their brass necks and 7,000 euros, they set out to find the woman of their dreams.
The Secret Book
The search for the Secret Book of the Bogomils brings Guy Chevalier (Thierry Fremont) to Macedonia. There, he is haunted by the spirit of the Gardian of the book and followed by unknown forces. Little by little, he starts loosing his mind and his identity.
As Macedonia faces its difficult transition, a boy escapes into a world of his own creation.
Macedonian mockumentary.
Macedonian mockumentary.
Macedonian mockumentary.
Alone without the protection of his father, a child embarks on a quest for answers and his destiny in a dangerous, post apocalyptic world.