Yevgen Yanovych

Yevgen Yanovych


Yevgen Yanovych
Yevgen Yanovych


Amber Сops
Patrolman Maksym, who had dreamed of following law and order since childhood, was unexpectedly transferred from Kyiv to a small village in the Zhytomyr Region. There, the metropolitan policeman and his new partner Bohdan challenge the amber mafia. Will Max be able to find common ground with the colorful local cops and defeat the omnipotent Amber Baron? But this is not the only problem of a brave patrolman, who still needs to regain the trust of his beloved girl.
Policeman Wojcech
La historia se centra en la controvertida relación entre un ama de llaves, Stefania Chornenko, y una joven noble, Adelia Anger, en la Austria-Hungría de 1900. Tanto los padres de Stefania como la madre de Adelia murieron en un incendio en 1868. El Dr. Anger, padre de Adelia, adoptará a la hija huérfana de los vecinos. Las niñas crecerán juntas, cercanas como hermanas, aunque Stefania sea el ama de llaves. Este apego se convierte en una trampa de amor: por un lado lleno de manipulación y celos mutuos, pero al mismo tiempo basado en el cariño y la devoción. La ilusión del equilibrio se rompe cuando Adelia se casa con el escultor Petro. La situación se complica aún más cuando Joseph, el antiguo novio de Stefania, regresa a la ciudad.
Maksim, an investing manager, is too busy reading the news in his social network feeds fails to notice his own problems, until the news really start to influence his own life.
Maksim, an investing manager, is too busy reading the news in his social network feeds fails to notice his own problems, until the news really start to influence his own life.