Saverio Laganà


Una Diecimilalire
Rocco anziano
La segunda noche de bodas
Apulia, inicios de la posguerra: Giordano Ricci (Antonio Albanese) es un hombretón con barba hirsuta que se dedica a levantar campos de minas en Torre Canne. Giordano está considerado por todos como un enfermo mental. Las únicas que se preocupan por él son las viejas tías (Angela Luce y Marisa Merlini) que regentan la fábrica de peladillas de la familia. La vida de Giordano cambia de repente con la llegada de una carta desde Bolonia. El remitente es su cuñada Liliana (Katia Ricciarelli), viuda de su hermano desde hace pocos meses, y a la que él amó en secreto durante la adolescencia. Giordano, feliz, no evita invitarla a la gran masería de Torre Canne suscitando las iras de sus tías. Nino (Neri Marcorè), el joven y espabilado hijo de Liliana, y ella misma salen así hacia Apulia con un coche robado. El cariño de Liliana por Giordano, por ese hombre tan bueno, crece con el tiempo... (FILMAFFINITY)
The Game Bag
In late summer 1991, three Italians reach a hunting reserve in Croatia with a station wagon. They go to deer, but, unaware of what's in store for months, they do not decipher the enigmatic signs that surround them. One of the three is suddendly wounded in the knee by a bullet of unknown provenance, and they end up in a hotel targeted by snipers night and day.
Arcane Sorcerer
Shunned by his church, a seminary student takes refuge with an excommunicated priest who teaches him wizardry and black magic.
Ciccio Forgives, I Don't
Franco and Ciccio are small time horse thieves who get involved with the bandit, El Diablo, and two former members of his gang who are after his gold. Fortunately two pretty, sharp shooting saloon girls come to the bumbling duo's rescue.
People of Honor
In an operation aimed at hitting the mafia, the Sicilian police hunt down several assassins to trace their bosses. The hunted, with the help of the mafia, try to escape from the island.