Cecilia Nessen


To my daughter if I 'd ever had one. The movie about Lena Nyman is a tender portrait of one of Sweden's most genuine actors.
Yo soy Greta
Greta Thunberg, una estudiante de 15 años en Suecia, inició una huelga escolar por el clima, ya que su pregunta para los adultos era, si no te preocupas por mi futuro en la tierra, ¿por qué debería preocuparme por mi futuro en la escuela? En cuestión de meses, su huelga se convirtió en un movimiento global cuando la tranquila adolescente con autismo se convirtió en una activista de fama mundial.
Hasse & Tage - En kärlekshistoria
Hasse and Tage were best friends for over 30 years. Their films, shows, songs and books influenced an entire nation and were the glue that held people's home together. As a comedic duo, they united right-wing ghosts and anarchists in laughter. When Tage dies prematurely, his children lose a father, Hasse a father figure and all of Sweden a country father. And when Palme dies just months after Tage, the Swedish stable society begins to crumble. For the first time, the Alfredson and Danielsson families open up the archives and give us exclusive access to their stories, photographs and recordings.
Bergman. Su gran año
A mediados del siglo XX, se produjo un fenómeno único. Un desgarbado sueco, a punto de cumplir cuarenta años, comenzó un período de producción cinematográfica sin precedentes. Entre 1957 y 1963, filmó algunos de los más grandes clásicos de la historia del cine, produjo varias creaciones teatrales para las tablas y la radio, y dirigió seis películas para televisión. En el mundo del cine, Ingmar Bergman es un personaje único e inimitable.
Gunnel Lindblom: ut ur tystnaden
The working class girl from Landala, Gothenburg, through the fine art of theatre and all the way to Hollywood.
Vox Lipoma
A short film about Ingmar Bergman's power, sexuality and facial lipoma that gives him no rest.
The Hotel
The Hotel is the last part of a trilogy about travelling. The first two were The Atlantic (Atlanten, 1995) and The Lighthouse (Fyren, 2000). The hotel is a different kind of home. It can be a refuge, cul-de-sac, castle, nightmare, creative space...The first hotel was created as protection against the elements. Weary travellers could find shelter and rest. But it was also a place for legends and anecdotes.