Alexander S. McBryde


What could go wrong when a family of Die-Hard Buffalo Football Fans come together under one roof to watch their beloved team play in the biggest game ever? Everything.
Johnny Gruesome
Rebellious high school senior Johnny Grissom is murdered while on a drunken joyride. Soon, Johnny's classmates turn up dead, murdered by an unknown assailant. Johnny's best friend Eric begins to suspect Johnny has returned from the grave to wreak havoc on those who wronged him.
The Geometries of Desire
An emotionally rich experimental drama that investigates the complexities of truth, the distortions of memory, and the illusions of love.
High Resolution
A medida que su antigua relación sentimental colapsa, una nueva esperanza surge para Erin, una mujer que se siente poderosamente atraída por el carismático y misterioso escritor Paul Chen. Aunque al principio todo parece ser idílico, las cosas cambian cuando Chen propone a Erin documentar todos los aspectos de su relación, lo que les lleva a tener serios problemas y discusiones cada vez más acaloradas. Adaptación de la novela de Tao Lin "Taipei".
Ombis: Alien Invasion
Mr. Gray
Metzburgh no es la ciudad perfecta. Hace años que su auge industrial ha quedado atrás, no obstante sus ciudadanos aman su hogar e intentan vivir lo mejor que pueden. Puede que tan buen ánimo y disposición sea lo que ha traído hasta la ciudad un nuevo virus alienígena en busca de residentes a los que “zombificar”. Ante semejante invasión solo Némesis, un habitante del origen natal del virus, puede frenar a las hordas de infectados que van propagando la enfermedad. Aunque para desgracia de los habitantes de Metzburgh, Némesis nunca ha entendido el concepto de “daños colaterales”.
Prisoners of the Dead
A group of convicts have found themselves stuck between the living and the bloodthirsty undead. The world as we know it is changing, a deadly virus has hit the United States. In the heart of a ravaged City, a small group of uninfected people team up with a group of convicts to take on the undead. With twist and turns around every corner will they survive the final night and
Fable: Teeth of Beasts
Jean Paul
Lilith Noir is a hardboiled freelance enforcer for the shadow government that keeps watch over the city of Fable, a mythical realm that exists just beneath the surface of our awareness. When a fast talking private detective shows up on her doorstep, Lilith is faced with the case of a lifetime. A new drug has hit the streets of Fable, black market Ouija boards are everywhere, victims of bizarre murders are choking the city morgue, and the prime suspect is an ancient demon masquerading as an urban vagrant. Witchcraft. Guns. The Occult. Never a dull day in the twilight city.
Slime City Massacre
A dirty bomb has decimated New York City s financial district and reduced midtown to a post-apocalyptic nightmare. The neighborhood known as Slime City has been evacuated, except for the homeless, and in the ruins of a soup kitchen four squatters discover a supply of food that transforms them into hideous slime creatures, driven to murder! Meanwhile, a greedy developer who has set his sights on Slime City hires a team of mercenaries to wipe out the creatures.
Red Scream Vampyres
With an abandoned train station as their haunt and an endless supply of hitchhikers to provide sustenance, a lovely lesbian vampire duo seduces then savages their victims in this erotic gore fest from director David R. Williams. Things get complicated for the ladies, though, when one of them falls in love with an intended victim and a pair of scholars of urban decay decide to explore the bloodsuckers' lair.