David Doyle


Boys On Film 3: American Boy
Director of Photography
Created by gay directors and actors, Boys On Film features numerous award-winning shorts that deal with all aspects of gay life. Volume 3: American Boy contains seven complete films: Adam Salky's "Dare" starring Adam Fleming, Michael Cassidy, and Marla Burkholder; Jody Wheeler's "In The Closet" starring J.T. Tepnapa and Brent Corrigan; Dennis Shinners's "Area X" starring Matt Schuneman and Antony Raymond; Julian Breece's "The Young & Evil" starring Vaughn Lowery, Diana Elizabeth Jordan, and Reggie Watkins; Brian Krinsky's "Dish :)" starring Matthew Monge, Jeff Martin, and Octavio Altamirano; Carter Smith's "Bugcrush" starring Josh Caras and Donald Cumming; and Kyle Thomas Coker's "Astoria, Queens" starring Aaron Michael Davies, James Heffron, Sangeeta Parekh, and Hayley Thompson-King.
Into Temptation
Director of Photography
Una prostituta acude a un sacerdote para confesar un pecado que aún no ha cometido: planea suicidarse en su próximo cumpleaños. Luego ella desaparece y él la busca, alistando la ayuda de una congregación ad hoc de almas atribuladas en el camino. Una historia sobre el perdón.
Area X
Director of Photography
Paul's dad unexpectedly picked him up from work today. And then a hooker. After dropping them off at a seedy roadside motel, Paul's father handed him two hundred dollars and told him not to come out until he's a man. These are just a few of the bizarre, sexually charged events that Paul recounts to Marco, a charming and seductive hustler he meets in a dicey bar on a hidden street underneath New York City's infamous Port Authority Bus Terminal, an area officially named but rarely referred to as "Area X". It is here in this dark and shady place that Paul must navigate his way through what he wants, what he needs, and the high cost attached to both.
Six Days in Roswell
Director of Photography
A feature film docu-comedy about UFOs, Aliens, Sightings, Abductions, Other Worldly Visitors, Extra Terrestrials, UFO Researchers, Government Cover-ups, Close Encounters, Flying Saucers, Alien Spacecraft, an Impact Site, Alien Bodies, an Alien Autopsy, the 509th Bomb Group, Atomic Bomb Testing, The Trinity Site, the White Sands Missile Test Range, Los Alamos, the crash of 1947 at Roswell, New Mexico, U.S.A. which became known as the Roswell Incident, and the people of the town of Roswell who now commemorate the UFO crash every july 4th weekend at the Roswell UFO Encounter celebration.
Esfúmate Fred
Es la historia de una chica que está intentando encontrar su lugar en el mundo, batallando con su controladora madre y el mujeriego de su marido. Encuentra confort a la vez que confusión cuando aparece su amigo de la infancia.