Tess Meyer

Tess Meyer


Tess Meyer


Skinford: Death Sentence
James Skinford plans to steal and flip a mystery truck to make some money and save his sick father, but his plans are thrown into chaos when he meets a woman with an immortal touch.
Mia y yo: El héroe de Centopia
Mia descubre que su piedra mágica es parte de una antigua profecía y se embarca en un emocionante viaje a las islas más lejanas de Centopia para enfrentar un gran mal y dar forma a su propio destino.
Maya y el Orbe Dorado
Miss Cassandra (voice)
La abeja Maya y su mejor amigo, Willi, rescatan a una princesa hormiga y se ven envueltos en una batalla épica entre insectos que les llevará a mundos desconocidos y pondrá a prueba su amistad.
It was supposed to be so simple. You do a job, you make the meet, you get paid. As an experienced flipper, Jimmy “Skinny” Skinford knows the protocol all too well. Having said that, being kidnapped and forced to dig your own grave will spanner the nicest of deals in the sharpest of ways. But his fortune turns when a push of his dead mans shovel unearths the opportunity of a life time; a woman, buried but still breathing, who just can’t seem to die. Her mysterious gift extends to others through touch and in her company Skinny launches head first into a scheme of unparalleled mayhem. Coming face to face with the most depraved deviates of the criminal underworld, Skinny will have to pay his dues in order to make the meet, get his payload and have his chance at immortality. But this gift horse comes with plans of her own, and dark consequences that threaten to sever Skinny’s world piece by piece.