Episode 1_MIN Yong-geun A young man sits on the steps of an apartment every night. He listens to a college girl coming home without her knowing. A woman who lives in the same building watches the young man every night. Episode 2_LEE Yoo-rim A newlywed couple and another younger couple go to a cabin. The husband tries to have sex with his wife who rejects him every time and he feels strangely attracted to his younger friend's girlfriend. On the day they are supposed to go home, the husband sees the younger couple having sex and feels a pang of jealousy. Episode 3_JANG Hoon Jean-Claude Romer is a well known New York critic who has come to Korea to attend an international film festival. He is quite familiar with Korea and enjoys jangguk and shopping at traditional flea markets, but what he loves most is the ttemiri(scrubbing) culture. Having had a ttemiri session with bath manager Jin-young as usual, he has dinner with her for the first time.
Episode 1_MIN Yong-geun A young man sits on the steps of an apartment every night. He listens to a college girl coming home without her knowing. A woman who lives in the same building watches the young man every night. Episode 2_LEE Yoo-rim A newlywed couple and another younger couple go to a cabin. The husband tries to have sex with his wife who rejects him every time and he feels strangely attracted to his younger friend's girlfriend. On the day they are supposed to go home, the husband sees the younger couple having sex and feels a pang of jealousy. Episode 3_JANG Hoon Jean-Claude Romer is a well known New York critic who has come to Korea to attend an international film festival. He is quite familiar with Korea and enjoys jangguk and shopping at traditional flea markets, but what he loves most is the ttemiri(scrubbing) culture. Having had a ttemiri session with bath manager Jin-young as usual, he has dinner with her for the first time.
Guy who stares
Tae-suk es un indigente que lleva una vida espectral. Ocupa temporalmente viviendas cuyos habitantes sabe que están ausentes. No roba ni ocasiona daños en los hogares de sus involuntarios anfitriones. En realidad, es una especie de fantasma que duerme en camas ajenas, come algo de las neveras de esos extraños y retribuye su forzada hospitalidad haciendo la colada o arreglando alguna que otra avería doméstica. Sun-hwa, que en tiempos fue una hermosa modelo, se ha visto convertida en una sombra viviente por un marido que la maltrata, encerrándola en una casa ostentosa. El destino cruza los caminos de Tae-suk y Sun-hwa, aunque sus existencias están abocadas a no dejar huella en el mundo. Se conocen cuando Tae-suk entra en casa de Sun-hwa, y en seguida saben que son almas gemelas. Como si estuvieran unidos por vínculos invisibles, descubren que no pueden separarse y aceptan en silencio su nuevo y extraño destino.