Radoš Bolčina


Boris Robic es, como suele decirse, un tipo corriente. Una noche, sin embargo, alguien intenta dispararle. Las investigaciones no revelan nada. Ni enemigos, ni sospechosos. Se podría decir que Boris es la última persona a la que alguien querría matar. Cuando la policía cierra la investigación, Boris empieza a investigar por su cuenta. Mientras busca al sospechoso, vemos cómo se desarrolla la tragicomedia de un hombre que descubre que le odia mucha más gente de lo que pensaba y que la forma en que ve su propia vida era una ilusión.
Desperado Tonic
L.V. Strocki is a traveling film projectionist in the best years. He is a representative of the first generation who watched partisan films, lived to see the invasion of the television and ended up among vampires. In the coastal region town he is preparing a film projection on the town square and a television team is making a documentary about this event. During the film projection about the heroines and heroes of an occupied town, a Heroine in a seductive outfit comes to see Strocki in his projection booth.
A world between the dreams and reality, between commonsense pragmatism and madness, between earthly gendarmes, priests, fair organizers on one hand, and children of God, to whom all our smartness is crazy, on the other.
But the Goat Survived
Intolerance in front of a released prisoner triggers a wave of violence. The innocent survive.