Two aliens arrive on Earth trying to kill each other. This is not easy, since they seem to be able to regenerate lost body parts and survive bullet wounds. Both of them happen to meet a young pathologist Dori Caisson, and each alien tells her that he is a peacemaker (an intergalactic cop) and that the other one is a bad guy. Whom can she trust?
Levi Jackson
Bienvenidos a la casa de los Lauter. Esta casa ha estado vacía durante 10 años, aunque no del todo, desde la trágica muerte de su propietario Avery Lauter, hombre misterioso y amante de las ciencias ocultas. Ahora sus herederos quieren convertir la casa en un hostal, pero unos sucesos misteriosos hacen sospechar que el espiritu de Avery siga todavia alli. La doctora Goldberg, notable parapsicologa, reune en la casa a un grupo de expertos para realizar un exorcismo. Spin-off de la película "Witchboard" del propio Kevin Tenney.
J.C. is arrested for the assassination of Senator Baxter. J.C. insists that he's innocent and requests that cynical lawyer Joseph Able defend him in court. Pandemonium ensues after J.C. claims that he's the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.