On 11 June 1986, one day after Morocco wrote football world cup history by scoring a surprising victory over Portugal, government official Daoud is ordered to secure a bridge outside Casablanca that sits between two hostile communities over an empty highway. Here, he is to await the expected but by no means certain visit of King Hassan II. Encounters with government supporters and the families of political prisoners; the mysterious appearance of a foreign woman and a Berber, as well as the story of a football crazy boy all prove to be a bit much for Daoud. Ever since the bloody ‘bread riots’ five years earlier, he has felt paralysed. But the euphoria and the hope he encounters here help to lift his mood. The Moroccan team’s success unleashes a new self-confidence and lust for life that transcends the surreal shadow of the monarchy.
Cuenta la historia de una mujer dedicada a la fotografía de guerra que se debate entre conservar a su familia y su trabajo. La cinta está inspirada por el trabajo del director como corresponsal de guerra para Reuters y otras agencias de noticias, Juliette Binoche tiene el papel principal de la fotógrafa en conflicto que arriesga la vida todos los días.
Bochaib, the unemployed old son of the old city of Casablanca, was given the chance to immigrate to the United States legally, Met with the US consulate in Fatiha, who is also dreaming of leaving for America, she agrees with Boushoaib on a white marriage in return for leaving with him while she is charged with the expenses of residence and travel.