Naoichiro Sagara

Nacimiento : 1979-02-12, Kagoshima, Japan


The Great Yokai War –Guardians–
Kei Watanabe (Kokoro Terada) es un estudiante de quinto grado de primaria que ha heredado la sangre del legendario cazador de yokai. Esto lo convertirá en la persona destinada a combatir a los yokai y así poder salvar el mundo de la destrucción.
Seiichi is the owner of a flower shop. He enjoys his peaceful single life. Kiho runs the ramen restaurant left to her by her father, but she's thinking of closing it.
Un poco de música nocturna
Sato es un hombre soltero de 27 años. Está esperando un momento dramático en su vida que lo llevará al amor. Trabaja en una empresa de investigación de mercado. Un día, le pide a un transeúnte frente a la estación Sendai que complete un cuestionario. Le cuesta encontrar participantes dispuestos. Una mujer con un traje negro acepta responder el cuestionario. Sato ve la letra "shampu" en su mano... ¿es este el destino?
Ebisuzawa Kurumi, Takeya Yuki, Wakasa Yuri, and Naoki Miki all attend the same high school. They also live on campus at the school. The girls enjoy their time at the school until students become infected by a virus and turn into zombies. The girls are surrounded by student zombies and they struggle desperately to survive.
3D Kanojo – Real Girl
Hikaru Tsutsui es un estudiante de secundaria tranquilo y modesto que renuncia a la compañía de sus compañeros de clase para pasar el tiempo leyendo manga, jugando videojuegos y viendo anime. Incluso la gente de su escuela ni siquiera sabe que existe. Está contento con vivir en su mundo en 2D, hasta que un día se le asigna limpiar en el grupo de la escuela con la hermosa Iroha Ikarashi y ella confiesa sus sentimientos hacia él. ¿El afecto de Iroha hará que Hikaru salga de su caparazón?.
Bitter Sweet
Maki, una creativa ejecutiva con un profundo odio por las verduras, conoce a Nagisa, un vegetariana fuera del clóset con asombrosas habilidades culinarias que termina siendo su compañera de habitación. Siendo completamente opuestas, las dos chocan inicialmente. Pero Maki se enamora con el tiempo de Nagisa y su comida. A medida que comienzan a aceptar a la otra tal como es florece una relación única.
Chasuke’s Journey
A veces, Dios es injusto. Quizá por eso, los empleados del Todopoderoso que se dedican a escribir el destino de los mortales han decidido mandar a Chas a la tierra, para que intente salvar a Yuri de la muerte que se le ha asignado. El resultado de tan atrevida aventura lo tendréis que descubrir con vuestros propios ojos, pues esta es una historia cuyo final y misterio no conoce ni Dios.
Miss Zombie
Una familia japonesa contrata a una zombie como empleada doméstica sin que este hecho perturbe sus rutinas. Aunque resulta un tanto extraña, la mujer se ocupa del jardín y cumple con sus obligaciones sin la agresividad que caracteriza a los muertos vivientes.
It's Me It's Me
Hitoshi Nagano, who works at an electronics store, picks up a cellphone left behind by a customer and goes about a scam. He calls the person's mother and pretends to be her son. He then gets the mother to transfer money to his bank account. Soon, Hitoshi gets a lot more than he bargained for.
Afro Tanaka
Hiroshi Tanaka sports an intense perm which looks like the afro hairstyle favored by some African-Americans back in the 1970's. He doesn't get his hair done at a hair shop, he was actually born with his hair like that. For freedom, Hiroshi moves to Tokyo. He works hard there and, even though he turns 24, he still doesn't have a girlfriend. Meanwhile, a school friend informs Hiroshi that he is going to get married. Hiroshi remembers a promise that they made. Hiroshi is even more impatient to find a girlfriend. A beautiful woman named Aya Kato then moves into the neighborhood.
Mitsuko Delivers
Mitsuko is 24, heavily pregnant and estranged from the American father of her child. Her parents believe she is happy and successful in America and are unaware that she has secretly returned to Tokyo. Making the biggest decisions on the slightest whim, she moves back into the tenement street where she lived as a child. The move changes lives, reignites old romances and creates a supportive circle of love that may be exactly what Mitsuko needs.
A Man with Style
Miyata lost his wife early on and single-handedly raised their two children. One day he notices a change in his physical condition, and decides that it must be stomach cancer.
How to Date an Otaku Girl
College student Mutou Ookawa catches a glimpse of Ametani Yuiko, his co-worker from a former part-time job and falls immediately in love. Summoning up his courage, he eventually confesses his feelings to her and she responds “…but I’m a fujoshi.” Mutou not having the slight clue what “fujoshi” means, immediately responds “That’s OK!”
Aki, who loves freedom, mets Masaya, an aspiring watchmaker. The two have opposite personalities and initially clash. The two reach better terms when Masaya is able to see Akis inner pain. Eventually, Masaya uncovers Akis sad past which was supposed to be held secret from everyone.