Aleksey Trotsenko


A comedy about how two unlucky heroes, one of whom dreamed of becoming a pilot, and the other an actor, accidentally get a chance to fulfill both dreams at once on the set of a new film. However, in the very first scene, they manage to crash a sponsor’s helicopter, which promises them a lot of problems. To compensate for the damage, the friends are forced to go into all seriousness - try to rob the oligarch, make money in kind, and even try to hijack a helicopter from an American air base.
El mito de Bourne
Vodka Police Passenger
El pasado de Jason Bourne vuelve por él. En la segunda entrega de la saga de tres películas basadas en la vida de Jason Bourne, un ex agente de la CIA que pierde la memoria y mientras lucha por recuperarla y lograr saber quién es en realidad, se ve involucrado en una red de espionaje y manipulación de gobiernos por parte de los Estados Unidos donde será perseguido por asesinos profesionales, mercenarios paramilitares, y ex compañeros de la CIA.La película comienza en Goa, India, donde Jason y Marie se han ido a vivir para esconderse de Treadstone, pero allí un antiguo agente de la compañía les localiza y persigue. Jason Bourne comienza su aventura para descubrir su pasado recordando parte de este, y persiguiendo al agente, que además se está haciendo pasar por él.
Corrupt cops, street gangs, "Bratki" in "Bummers" (BMWs) steal and "Merins" (Mercedeses), angry truck drivers, beautiful women and death are what four friends in a black Bummer who go on a mission from one region of Russia to another are about to face in the wasteland of small-town Russia. A critique of the policies of Boris Yeltsin, it depicted the economic crisis that followed Russia's transition towards a free market economy, and with it, a lost generation, with no job security, who are pushed into a world of crime and rebellion. Despite a modest budget of US$700,000, and a limited cinematic release, it became a national hit in Russia as well its soundtrack, popularized by 'Seryoga's' (Серёга) music video "Чёрный Бумер" ("Black Bummer"). Both the film and its soundtrack have won awards, including the prestigious Golden Aries from the Russian Guild of Film critics.