Nick, a talented photographer who is new to Los Angeles falls quickly in love with Tessa, a free-spirited young woman who is no longer charmed by the city. Their worlds are turned upside down when she asks him to do the unimaginable, which leads to him uncovering a dark truth, forcing them down a path of revenge and destruction.
Three lifelong friends get hired to drive a 1972 Vista Cruiser from Baton Rouge, Louisiana to the Phillippines only to find it's full of illegal pot.
Ty Dellamonica
Doce compañeros de equipo se disponen a jugar el que debería ser un partido de béisbol cualquiera de verano, aunque terminará convirtiéndose en el partido más importante de sus vidas
A fast food clerk's life spins out of control when he meets a cute but murderous hitchhiker.