Madie is a neurotic, wealthy woman who escapes from a New York state mental hospital where her unwholesome husband had her committed to avoid the trial of a expensive divorce. Madie hitches a ride back to California with a certain Charles Callahan, a debt-ridden truck driver. Madie and Charles eventually fall in love while evading an assortment of bad guys including a pair of thugs hired by Madie's husband to prevent her from returning to California, and a repo man sent to reclaim Charles' truck
A young ghetto kid despairs of ever getting out of that environment and making something of himself, until one day he gets a job as an assistant in a veterinarian's office, and working with all the animals begins to affect his outlook on life.
1st Bodyguard
Steve es asignado para parar la distribución de armas Findletter, que dice tener un misil nuclear Polaris para la venta. A lo largo del camino debe tratar con dos agentes soviéticos Alexi y Katrina y el secuestro de un submarino.
La joven Diane regresa para presenciar el funeral de su madre. Allí conoce a Lilith, una vieja amiga de su madre que la invita a alojarse en su hogar. Pero pronto la joven descubrirá que detrás de la amabilidad de Lilith, se enconde un macabro secreto...