Camrus Johnson
Camrus Johnson es un actor americano y un productor. Interpreta a Luke Fox en la serie Batwoman.
It follows Kendra as she sets off on her own for the first time to college. When she meet's her film class partner Ben, she tries her hardest to keep things professional.
A 70-year-old woman with meningitis lives between her dream world and reality while her great nephew and caretaker helps mend the past in this heartwarming animated film.
A 70-year-old woman with meningitis lives between her dream world and reality while her great nephew and caretaker helps mend the past in this heartwarming animated film.
A 70-year-old woman with meningitis lives between her dream world and reality while her great nephew and caretaker helps mend the past in this heartwarming animated film.
A group of vigilantes called The Blue Bison abduct wrongdoers and coerce them into confessions, forcing them back on the straight and narrow. Tonight, the consequences that unfurl from their attempt at justice may change every life in that room forever.
A group of vigilantes called The Blue Bison abduct wrongdoers and coerce them into confessions, forcing them back on the straight and narrow. Tonight, the consequences that unfurl from their attempt at justice may change every life in that room forever.
A group of vigilantes called The Blue Bison abduct wrongdoers and coerce them into confessions, forcing them back on the straight and narrow. Tonight, the consequences that unfurl from their attempt at justice may change every life in that room forever.
In this retelling of his dad's relationship with his best friend, GRAB MY HAND is Camrus Johnson's gift to his grieving father and a message to all to cherish every second you have with the ones you love while you still can.
Narrator / Jay (voice)
In this retelling of his dad's relationship with his best friend, GRAB MY HAND is Camrus Johnson's gift to his grieving father and a message to all to cherish every second you have with the ones you love while you still can.
In this retelling of his dad's relationship with his best friend, GRAB MY HAND is Camrus Johnson's gift to his grieving father and a message to all to cherish every second you have with the ones you love while you still can.
An NYC Professor spends the week reconnecting with his family while defending his reputation over controversial behavior at his college. Meanwhile, his family is determined to make an around-the-clock effort to support their matriarch when she’s admitted to New York’s Presbyterian Hospital and is expected to die within a few days.
Mientras su madre busca tratamiento en rehabilitación, el adolescente Nick (Wolff) viaja a Nueva York con Cal (Epps), un músico de jazz amigo de su padre. Durante su estancia , conoce a nuevos amigos que le descubren todo lo que la ciudad puede ofrecerle.
Omar Hassabala
El universitario Daniel Bae y la jamaicana Natasha Kingsley se encuentran y se enamoran en un día mágico en medio de la fiebre y la agitación de la ciudad de Nueva York. Las chispas saltan inmediatamente entre estos dos extraños, pero... ¿bastará que el destino actúe para que estos jóvenes poco afortunados tengan suerte en el amor? Aunque sólo faltan unas horas de lo que parece ser su último día en Estados Unidos, Natasha lucha con todas sus fuerzas para que no deporten a su familia. Y también se debate para no reconocer lo que siente por Daniel, que intenta convencerla de que están destinados a estar juntos.
Associate Producer
A story about a Korean American girl named Juno who is haunted by her father's disappearances. Upon his return, Juno must decide to keep her drifting father grounded or to let him go.
Tim Barnes
Un asesinato fallido del Fiscal General de los Estados Unidos obliga a sus perpetradores a esconderse. Mientras tanto, las fuerzas clandestinas se despiertan para corregir la situación.
Campus Interviewee
Al Pacino será Joe Paterno, un exitoso entrenador universitario de futbol americano con una larga carrera profesional. Su legado se verá comprometido cuando salten a la opinión pública diferentes casos de abusos sexuales a estudiantes de la Universidad Penn State. El mítico coach será declarado culpable por encubrir a su asistente Jerry Sandusky, autor de las abusos.
Parker Lowe
La vida de Laura se vuelve al revés cuando es atacada por un tiburón mientras celebra su 18 cumpleaños. Ha sido rescatada por Bruce, un joven guapo que acaba de regresar de la universidad. A medida que se recupera, se convierte en un héroe local por su valentía. A medida que el polvo se asienta, Bruce parece herido con su damisela en apuros, pero Laura no está lista para moverse más allá del novio que perdió en el ataque. Bruce aparece en más y más lugares en su vida, pero sus amigos y familia no pueden ver los indicios de obsesión que ella comienza a recoger de su salvador de ensueño. Cuando intenta decirle que no, ella termina siendo acosada por un héroe local que cree que le debe su vida.