Production Accountant
After Carlos, an impoverished teen from a fractured home, receives a desperate note from Sarah, a pen pal he lost touch with a year ago, he uses her letters to solve the mystery of her disappearance and crimes she may have been a part of.
Line Producer
Tim Blake Nelson is a man who's safe and comfortable and bored to death with his life. In his state of despair, he looks to classic stories for inspiration. Awakened by the tales of yore, he anoints himself as Don Quixote to find adventure, fame and glory that will make his life worthwhile - all while never leaving his one-mile square neighborhood.
Production Coordinator
La pareja formada por Junior y Cesar, junto al yonqui Lizard y un pistolero, conforman una banda de delincuentes que durante el secuestro de un magnate de la electrónica matan a una mujer, que resulta ser la esposa de un poderoso senador. El caso es encargado tanto a la policía local como al FBI, lo que provoca el encuentro entre el detective Friedman y la agente Sadie.