Horse Face
El doctor Louis Creed (Clarke) se muda con su mujer Racher (Seimetz) y sus dos hijos pequeños de Boston a un pueblecito de Maine, cerca del nuevo hogar de la familia descubrirá una terreno misterioso escondido entre los árboles. Cuando la tragedia llega, Louis hablará con su nuevo vecino, Jud Crandall (Lithgow), desencadenando una peligrosa reacción en cadena que desatará un mal de horribles consecuencias.
The Stranger (Colin Baker), still stranded on Earth, has escaped his pursuers and found a safe haven under an assumed name. But his former associates want him back and are not giving up the chase so easily, and his lost past is about to catch up with him...
The Airzone Solution takes place in a future Britain where pollution has reached a point where the populace must often wear filtration masks when they venture outside. AirZone, a powerful corporation, signs a lucrative deal with the government to deal with the problem. The public is told that AirZone plans to build giant filtration plants to clean the atmosphere, but environmentalists are skeptical, especially when people begin dying and disappearing around AirZone facilities.