Kevin Bundy

Kevin Bundy


Kevin Bundy
Kevin Bundy


The Princess and the Bodyguard
King Alfred
Lexi is devastated when asked to give up her life in New York to resume her secret identity of Royal Princess. Under the watchful eye of a handsome but infuriating bodyguard, will she fulfill her destiny and find love at the same time?
A Fabled Holiday
Talia's Dad
Talia and her childhood best friend Anderson unexpectedly reunite in a curiously familiar looking town full of Christmas spirit that restores its visitors when they need it most.
A Princess in Manhattan
On her 35th birthday, Lexi discovers that she will suddenly have to give up her normal life in New York and become who she always secretly was… a royal Princess. She has two weeks to come to terms with this, reveal her true identity to her best friend, and find a suitable date for the royal gala, where she will be introduced to the world. All under the watchful eye of her handsome but infuriating bodyguard, Noah.
Matthew Arnold
Un alcohólico en recuperación reaviva una relación con la ex novia del hombre que él y su hermano mataron en un accidente por conducir ebrio hace media década.
The Colossal Failure of the Modern Relationship
The Colossal Failure of the Modern Relationship is a smart, sexy comedy that explores the truth about relationships today.
Falsa acusación
Gary Foster
El profesor de física de un instituto es acusado de haberse propasado con una alumna. La acusación cobra más fuerza cuando otra alumna declara haber sido testigo del delito, por lo que la impotencia y la indefensión se apoderan de él.
Doble Pecado
La idílica vida de Bart, casado con una bella mujer y padre de dos adorables hijos, se ve truncada cuando un día su mujer es hallada muerta de un disparo en la cabeza en lo que parece ser un suicido.
Judgment Day: The Ellie Nesler Story
Elle's Doctor
Fact-based story about a Bible-quoting woman who in 1990 murdered a camp counselor, whom she learned molested her 7 year old son. Seeking revenge, she turns to murder when she learns the man had previously been convicted of the same crime in 1983 and got off with probation.