Ralph Wieser


I’m Not Everything I Want To Be
After the Soviet invasion of Prague, a young female photographer strives to break free from the constraints of Czechoslovak normalization and embarks on a wild journey towards freedom, capturing her experiences on thousands of subjective photographs.
An Impossible Project
Humans are analogue. We're literally sick of the digital world engulfing us. People are yearning for real things and authenticity. IMPOSSIBLE is sensuous and inspiring film about the revenge of analog. And the eccentric, crazy Austrian scientist, who saved the world's last Polaroid factory - just when Steve Jobs introduced the first iPhone. An entertaining underdog story of a very modern Don Quixote, shot on 35mm. And a sumptuous invitation to fall in love with real things again.
Are You Sleeping, Brother Jakob?
A personal film about grief and farewell, about serenity and arrival as well as reunion and retrieval.
The Gutenberg Enigma
Delegated Producer
Un retrato del inventor de la imprenta, una figura clave en la historia de la humanidad, pero también un inventor entusiasta, un empresario audaz, un tenaz alborotador: la vida de Johannes Gutenberg (circa 1400-68).
Was uns bindet
Girls Don't Fly
An airstrip, a hangar and a classroom somewhere in rural Ghana: This is the place where 18-year-old Lydia and 20-year-old Esther hope to achieve their dream: learning how to fly. They have joined the first aviation school for girls in West Africa. There, an ambitious Englishman wants to train young women from rural areas to become pilots. Yet, during training and everyday life at the Aviation Academy Western ideals collide with African values, and the girls gradually realize, that their dream of flying comes at a price.
The Unbearable Presence of Asmahan
Production Executive
As times get tougher in the Arab world, people reminisce about the greatest diva of all time: Asmahan. Today, many Arabs go to Vienna in search of the dream that was whispered to them. But things are not that simple. Singer and actress Asmahan is a Syrian princess who emigrated to Egypt in the 1920s and where she enjoyed a career in show business, eventually becoming an Egyptian Diva.
Wolf Suschitzky - Fotograf und Kameramann
A tribute to a humble but great man in the film industry.
Cash & Marry
Marko and Atanas are two friends whose lives would be sweet as strudel but for an annoying little problem with their papers. They need a European passport and they are prepared to do almost anything to get one, including buying a wife. With nothing but their brass necks and 7,000 euros, they set out to find the woman of their dreams.
Guía de cine para pervertidos
Una hilarante introducción, usando como ejemplo algunas de las mejores películas jamás realizadas, a algunas de las ideas más apasionantes del filósofo y psicoanalista esloveno Slavoj Žižek sobre la subjetividad personal, la fantasía y la realidad, el deseo y la sexualidad.