Kanat Doğramacı


Iguana Tokyo
What happens, when an ordinary family in one of the arguably most advanced cities in the world starts living in two different worlds? What happens, when that fine line between reality and fantasy begins to blur, when a computer game controls the space you live in, re-defines your real life? When a gigantic, green iguana is the only one that can see, how the people around it slowly lose themselves between these different worlds?
Anatolian Leopard
At Turkey’s oldest zoo, a lonely manager and a neglected female officer form an unlikely bond: as they hide the death of the zoo’s oldest inhabitant, an Anatolian leopard, in order to stop the privatization process and fake its escape, they set in motion an absurd charade that spins out of control. In Turkey’s grey and quiet capital, the ghost of the leopard persists.
Mi mejor amigo
Yusuf y Memo, su mejor amigo, son alumnos de un internado para jóvenes kurdos en las montañas de Anatolia. Cuando Memo cae misteriosamente enfermo, Yusuf debe luchar con los obstáculos burocráticos para intentar ayudar a su amigo.
Girl with No Mouth
A coming-of-age story about Perihan, a girl born without a mouth, who is befriended by a gang of three boys also missing body parts, while on the run from the authorities.
La Belle Indifference
Onur is sacked from his job as manager of a pharmaceutical company. He’s not too bothered about being unemployed, but the same cannot be said of his wife Bahar. Onur doesn’t listen to her and becomes indifferent not only to her anxieties but also to the world around him. He’d rather be surrounded by more zebras. A drama with dashes of absurd comedy about events that are no laughing matter: a personal crisis that impacts their marriage.
We'll Get Back to You
The only cure of being jobelessness, unhappy and hopelessness is friendship, life is beautiful together.