Vincent Dedienne
Nacimiento : 1987-02-02, Mâcon, France
Musical Christmas Special hosted by Benjamin Biolay.
Le Présentateur
Jean and Marina go to Athens for their summer vacation. There they are reunited with Marina's family, while preparing to spend a romantic getaway, Marina's family decides to accompany them. But nothing will go according to the plan.
Adrien Kaminsky is a young French teacher in a high school in Le Havre. Passionate, he gives his all to his job, and the students give it back to him. When a student discovers that he is homosexual, he falls off his pedestal and is soon violently assaulted in front of the school. As the assault sends a wave through the system, Adrien begins to doubt his vocation.
Monsieur La
Una pareja jubilada que tiene una deuda considerable intenta ganar una competición de baile. Un ministro que es sospechoso de defraudar impuestos. Una adolescente que tiene un explosivo encuentro con un pervertido.
Benjamin and Aude have loved each other for 7 years. They live together on a small island in Brittany. Benjamin dreams of starting a family but the couple learns that Aude is sterile. So Benjamin has an idea. He is the one who will bear their child because before being Benjamin, his name was Sarah.
He had opened his Great Restaurant twice, in 2010 and 2011, as part of an entertainment broadcast on France 2. Pierre Palmade “reopens it after work” in the form of a fiction offered by M6. Exit the brewery. The artist has chosen to shoot his film at the Froufrou, the restaurant at the Théâtre Édouard-VII, in Paris, a chic establishment with rococo decor, more solemn and therefore more appropriate to important moments in life, to his big announcements that make the subject of a series of sketches. They are interpreted by a cast of stars just as prestigious as that of his comrade Muriel Robin a few weeks ago in I Love you coiffure , on TF1. As a common thread, Pierre Palmade in the role of the host busy satisfying his customers, while ensuring that his mother (Marthe Villalonga), his competitor (Florence Foresti) and her cook husband (Jean Leduc) do not transform the evening in disaster.
Jean-Claude (segment "L'Addition")
Liliane and Maud are twin sisters. The first is a modest provincial hairdresser while the second leads the great life in Paris. They both fight over their mother's custody.
Vincent, un adolescente adúltero de treinta años, se gana la vida cuidando animales y niños, y su último trabajo es Bart, de nueve años, que acaba de mudarse al edificio con su madre soltera y con exceso de trabajo. En su nueva escuela, Bart está ansioso por desarrollar una reputación genial, así que cuando todos asumen que el excéntrico y relajado Vincent es su padre, él le ruega que siga el juego, especialmente cuando el comportamiento inmaduro y divertido de su "padre" deleita a todos los niños en ¡su clase! Al principio reacio, Vincent cambia de opinión después de enamorarse de la atractiva joven maestra de su "hijo". Y para pasar el mayor tiempo posible con ella, él hace todo lo posible para dar sentido a los misteriosos códigos y expectativas de su extraña nueva tribu: la Asociación de Padres y Maestros. Pero Vincent pronto se enfrenta a un problema mayor: cómo dar marcha atrás en la enorme "pequeña mentira" en la que se ha metido.
Eve creaba las rosas más famosas del mundo, pero ahora está pasada de moda, amargada y al borde de la bancarrota. A Vera, su fiel asistente, se le ocurre una idea brillante y loca que podría cambiar sus vidas para siempre…
Recently widowed fifty-something Margaux looks to start chapter two. Moving in with her sister, she re-enrolls at university for pursuits she’d never realized. However, Margaux begins to experience another kind of awakening, the compulsions of which begin to take over.
Le fermier bio
Tres vecinos de un suburbio se ven superados por sus problemas con la tecnología y las redes sociales. Con la ayuda de un pirata informático, deciden declarar la guerra a los poderosos gigantes tecnológicos. Tal vez su batalla esté perdida desde el principio, pero nunca se sabe.
Guyana francesa, no hace tanto tiempo. Eliott, un joven e ingenuo investigador de antropología, se embarca en una expedición para estudiar a los Otopis, una misteriosa tribu de la selva amazónica. También es una oportunidad para que se aleje de las garras de su posesiva madre, Chantal de Bellabre, una etnóloga odiada por la profesión por sus prácticas sesgadas y despiadadas. Al llegar al bosque, Elliot se da cuenta de que los Otopis no son los "buenos salvajes" que había imaginado. Alcohólico, violento, corrupto: convertirán su expedición en un verdadero infierno en la selva. Afortunadamente, Chantal, consumida por el remordimiento y preocupada por su hijo, decide abandonar su propia expedición y va a buscarlo a la selva, con la ayuda del no tan servicial Teniente-Comandante Raspailles y sus hombres.
Marion y Ben han alcanzado la treintena y viven, en soledad, en París. Gracias a Tinder, estos se conocen y la química entre ambos es instantánea. Ambos parecen entenderse a la perfección y, por ello, deciden irse de vacaciones juntos, a pesar del poco tiempo que han pasado y de lo poco que se conocen. La reciente pareja decide escoger Bulgaria como el lugar de destino para esta escapada, pero el idilio que esperan encontrarse acabará convirtiéndose en una aventura llena de desastres donde tendrán que superar todo tipo de dificultades para descubrir si el amor que sienten es real o algo pasajero.
Théâtre de la Porte Saint-Martin , Paris From 16 janvier to 28 avril 2018. The Game of Love and Chance (French: Le Jeu de l'amour et du hasard) is a three-act romantic comedy by French playwright Marivaux. The Game of Love and Chance was first performed 23 January 1730 by the Comédie Italienne. In this play, a young woman is visited by her betrothed, whom she does not know. To get a better idea of the type of person he is, she trades places with her servant and disguises herself. However, unbeknownst to her, her fiancé has the same idea and trades places with his valet. The "game" pits the two false servants against the two false masters, and in the end, the couples fall in love with their appropriate counterpart.
Pierre-Eustache (voice)
The 1,600 surviving pandas are fighting, in their very own special way, for the perpetuation of their species.
A lonely mother and her son go to the opera where a performance of Cherubini’s opera Medea is given. It is the mother’s birthday and she wanted to surprise her son by inviting him to the opera. But, the son’s plan were different and he is quite upset about it. His mother tries to break the silent barrier behind which he hides. A semblance of discussion begins, not without humour. Tension is present but, as the performance goes on, both find themselves astounded, captured, alone in the opera house.
The son
A lonely mother and her son go to the opera where a performance of Cherubini’s opera Medea is given. It is the mother’s birthday and she wanted to surprise her son by inviting him to the opera. But, the son’s plan were different and he is quite upset about it. His mother tries to break the silent barrier behind which he hides. A semblance of discussion begins, not without humour. Tension is present but, as the performance goes on, both find themselves astounded, captured, alone in the opera house.
After an abortion which has left her emotionally shaken, Rosalie returns to the village where she was born. She rediscovers her grandmother's house and garden abandoned, the vigour of her best friends, her first love, and encounters the latter's new girlfriend. She tries to stay the course without creating any waves.