Allan Baker


Yes, Giorgio
Audience Member (uncredited)
Comedia melodramática con Luciano Pavarotti interpretando a un cantante de ópera que consigue, gracias al amor, recuperar la voz perdida.
Llega un jinete libre y salvaje
Pall Bearer (uncredited)
Dos ganaderos se alían para proteger sus tierras de los explotadores de petróleo. Los dos se sienten unidos en la lucha contra el poderoso terrateniente, las inclemencias del tiempo, la difícil tarea de recuperar el ganado desperdigado por la montaña y el peligro de una sociedad petrolífera.
King Kung Fu
Smilin' Jack
A remote monastery in China has trained a talking gorilla, King Kung Fu, in the ancient art of kung fu. Having mastered his fighting skills, King Kung Fu is sent to America to demonstrate the power of Chinese martial arts to the West. As he is travelling through Kansas, a pair of bumbling reports see KKF and decide he can be their ticket to fame and wealth. Of course, the gorilla gets away from them, and soon everyone is chasing the Shaolin simian.