David, a struggling comic book creator from Cleveland, spends his days cutting grass and his nights smoking it while desperately trying to keep his superhero fantasies alive. When Robyn, his aspiring fashion-designer girlfriend, makes him a Halloween costume of his original character Apama, it doesn't take David long to hit the streets and begin blundering towards disaster. This comic book Don Quixote is characterized by surreal flourishes, mixing dream, fantasy, and flashbacks that borrow as much from the art house as the comic shop. A midnight movie for superhero fans.
A well to do couple assume the property left to them in a family will. The idyllic Lake Evermore and it's population of eager to please townsfolk begin to change as the Turner's inquire about the towns isolation from the outside world.
Church Parishioner
Mob drama starring Ray 'Boom Boom' Mancini, Mia Sara and Costas Mandylor.
Court Room Participant (uncredited)
El juez Robert Wakefield es nombrado por el Presidente de los Estados Unidos para supervisar los grupos de lucha contra la droga y su coordinación con las autoridades de México. Sin embargo su entusiasmo inicial por la posición de prestigio alcanzada se acabará cuando se dé cuenta de que su hija adolescente Caroline, de 16 años, se ha convertido en una drogadicta -hecho que le ocultaba su esposa Barbara-. Mientras tanto, al sur de la frontera, el agente mexicano Javier Rodriguez intenta librar su propia batalla contra la droga.
Hezekiah Wiezer
Horror, comedy, diggin, diggin, diggin...
Featured Shopper
A big opening in Cleveland, Ohio
Wealthy Gambler
Drama about a fighters rise to fame and his romances
Interviewee and restaurant patron
Multi generational killer comes back to haunt the streets of Cleveland