A large spaceship appears over Tokyo three years before the story starts. A one-sided war against the seemingly harmless aliens ensues, sparking controversy and pacifism. Despite this unique and tragic event, high school girls Koyama Kadode and Nakagawa Ouran behave as if nothing has changed. They live their days like they always have. The focus of this story is not the alien invasion, but human nature, dialogue, growing up, and life.
Hoshi-sensei, profesor de lengua japonesa en un colegio femenino, está a merced de sus alumnos y colegas. Las alumnas le retan a sus juegos de palabras shiritori ilustrados en sus notas diarias, le convencen para que traiga un perro a la clase y le piden consejo para convertirse en dibujante de manga, mientras sus colegas le arrastran en sus rondas al pub. Las interacciones entre un elenco de personajes singulares dan lugar a una comedia poco convencional.
In 2038, Yuuma Sawatari is an elementary school kid who loves everything about space and astronomy. He was initially excited when his parents bought a robot called Nanako, but he was disappointed when he learned that she was basically just a boring housekeeping robot. However, when he does finally try to talk to her about space, something strange happens. Her system crashes and is taken over by what claims to be a marooned alien ship! The alien ship wants Yuuma's help to get back to space!
El evento Yuru Camp △ Secret Society Blanket Enrollment Briefing anunció una película de anime de la serie.
Storyboard Artist
El evento Yuru Camp △ Secret Society Blanket Enrollment Briefing anunció una película de anime de la serie.
This is a story about certain siblings, suddenly-appeared penguins, and the past and the future of this world... The Takakura brothers, Kamba and Syoma, search for PENGUINDRUM by order of a mysterious penguin-shaped hat to save their ill sister Himari. Ringo Oginome keeps realizing that her destiny has been written in a diary. Masako Natsume tries to get her hands on Ringo’s diary to find her new destiny. Keijyu Tabuki and Yuri Tokikago attempt to get back their precious person of fate. All seek the PENGUINDRUM for their own sake and that of someone dear to them. Ten years later... Kamba and Syoma, who rode the train to change fate, momentarily come back from the place their fate took them…
True enemies are uncovered in the continuation of Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Die Neue These.
The stage emulates life and compresses it, setting free skills learned over lifetimes in brief but dazzling displays for the amusement and judgment of others. For the performers, it is the ultimate risk, and some will rise while others must fall. Nowhere is this truer than at the Seisho Music Academy, where music, dance and real weapons all come into play in the creation of the next great Star. Karen and Hikari’s destinies have been linked since a childhood promise, but their journeys here have taken very different paths. Now, after Hikari leaves, Karen must discover who she is without her opposite, while Hikari must rediscover her own course. Nor are they the only girls who must reassess and change if they want to achieve their dreams, as the dance, magic, and swordplay continue!
The franchise centers on "Starlight," a dance and dance troupe beloved the world over. Karen and Hikari promised each other when they were little that one day they would perform together on that stage. Time passes and now they are both 16 years old. Karen is very excited about the dance lessons she takes every day, keeping her promise close to her heart. Hikari changed schools and now lives far away from Karen. But the gears of fate bring them together again, destined to meet again. The two, along with other hopefuls, will compete in a mysterious audition to become part of this great company.
La película continúa con la aventura épica de los valientes Riko y Reg quienes se unen a su nueva amiga Nanachi. Juntos, descienden a la traicionera quinta capa del Abismo, el “Mar de los cadáveres”, en donde se encuentran con el misterioso Bondrewd, un legendario White Whistle cuya sobra cierne sobre el turbulento pasado de Nanachi. Bondrewd es increíblemente amistoso, pero los valientes aventureros saben que las cosas dentro del Abismo no son lo que parecen…