Arno Moria

Arno Moria


Arno Moria


Disco Boy
Tras un difícil viaje a través de Europa, Aleksei llega a París para alistarse en la Legión Extranjera francesa, un cuerpo militar muy selectivo que permite conceder el pasaporte francés a cualquier extranjero, incluso indocumentado. En el delta del Níger, Jomo lucha contra las compañías petroleras que amenazan la supervivencia de su aldea. Mientras tanto, su hermana Udoka sueña con escapar, sabiendo que allí todo está perdido.
Boys On Film 9: Youth In Trouble
Youth In Trouble is the ninth edition to Boys On Film, the world's most successful short film series. This compilation features eight complete films: Bretten Hannam's "Deep End" starring Bailey Maughan, Gharrett Patrick Paon, and Denis Theriault; Caru Alves de Souza's "Family Affair" starring Cláudia Assunção, Kauê Telloli, and Ney Piacentini; James Cook's "Together" starring Lucas Hansen, Ben Owora, and Stuart Evans; Carlos Montero's "Easy Money" starring Mario Casas, Ales Furundarena, and Christian Mulas; Grant Scicluna's "The Wilding" starring Reef Ireland, Luke Mullins, and Shannon Glowacki; Dee Rees's "Colonial Gods" starring Cornell John and Said Mohamed; Benjamin Parent's "It's Not a Cowboy Movie" starring Malivaï Yakou, Finnegan Oldfield, and Garance Marillier; and Stéphane Riethauser's "Prora" starring Tom Gramenz and Swen Gippa.
It's Not a Cowboy Movie
Last night, Brokeback Mountain aired on TV, Vincent watched it and found himself emotionally compelled by the story. Whilst chatting with a classmate in the school toilets, he takes advatage of the break to describe the film as only an adolescent can.
The End