Henning Høifødt


Apocalypse Norway
A group of privileged Norwegian teenagers go on a trip to a friend’s coastal retreat on Norway’s south coast when news breaks out about a strange virus spreading around the world. Seemingly sheltered from the unfolding devastation in their remote holiday home, the teenagers fastidiously continue to eat, drink, play and make love.
The Comet
The Comet follows 20-year-old Gustav and his search to find his father who mysteriously disappeared 12 years ago when a comet passed close to earth.
Best Boy Electric
Thelma no es una chica normal. Desesperada, le pregunta insistentemente a Dios por qué la ha hecho así. Sus padres tampoco son de gran ayuda, sino dos personas misteriosas que se muestran tranquilas ante los poderes que muestra su hija, que, cada vez que siente algo, causa desastres. Cuando Thelma inicie una relación con una compañera, las emociones propias del amor harán estragos.
La cueva, descenso al infierno
Un grupo de militares de élite salen a explorar un desconocido abismo sin saber que la peor de sus pesadillas les espera en las profundidades de la tierra. ¿Conseguirán salir con vida del oscuro laberinto en el que se han adentrado?
The Veil of Twilight
Director of Photography
The investigation of a mysterious serial-killer in a mountain village, set in Norway in the mid 1300s.
Into the Dark
An eight-year-old boy is hit by a car, and a deep rift develops between the two neighbouring couples involved, which will prove hard to repair.