Takashi Nagasaki


Knights of Sidonia: The Movie
CG Supervisor
The year is 3394. The solar system has been long destroyed by a strange alien race called Gauna. Now humans are barely maintaining population in their seed ships - the ones they also used to escape a thousand years ago. After several years of drifting though space, Sidonia, a seed ship with a population of over 500,000 people, is once again threatened by Gauna. Follow Tanikaze Nagate, a mysterious young man from the deep corners of the ship, and his friends as they try to strike back against these gigantic creatures and at the same time learn what they really are for the sake of humanity's survival. -MAL
La isla de los recuerdos y el espejo mágico
CGI Director
Si alguna vez se han preguntado dónde habrán ido a parar los tesoros de su infancia harían bien en seguir los pasos de la joven Haruka, pues ella se dispone a descubrir el secreto con un viaje inesperado. Nada más y nada menos que a la isla de los recuerdos olvidados, un mundo invisible a los humanos y cimentado sobre aquellos objetos que fuimos arrinconando según nos hacíamos adultos.