Naoyoshi Kawamatsu


Puedo oír el sol
Assistant Director
Kohei has suffered from hearing loss since middle school and had trouble fitting in with those around him. Now a university student, Kohei meets the outgoing Taichi in the university courtyard. Their friendship becomes one in which they can say whatever is on their minds, but Kohei, who has grown used to keeping people from getting too close, now faces escalating expectations and anxiety the stronger his bonds with Taichi becomes.
Maldición Inocente (Innocent Curse)
Assistant Director
En un pequeño pueblo donde los niños han estado desapareciendo y los adultos cercanos a ellos, mueren de manera sospechosa tres días más tarde de la desaparición. La investigación sobre las desapariciones recae sobre el periodista local Shunya Ezaki que comienza a investigar las misteriosas muertes. Mientras tanto, la novia de Shunya Ezaki, Nahomi Harada, trabaja en una escuela de kindergarten. La madre de un niño no lo recoge en la escuela y Nahomi Harada lo lleva con ella. Entonces aparece un hombre misterioso y el niño bajo el cuidado de Nahomi pronto desaparece.
Ushikoku ni mairu
Ushikoku ni mairu
Chotto Kawaii Iron Maiden
Assistant Director
Adaptación cinematográfica del popular cómic del mismo título por su extraordinaria premisa. El prometedor Yoshida Kota, conocido por su estilo humorístico y sensual en películas como Usotsuki Paradox, crea un drama único de la mayoría de edad sobre el amor entre dos chicas, con elementos de deportes y perseverancia en todas partes. El "Club de la tortura" es una actividad oficial después de la escuela en la escuela privada Saint Honesty Gakuen. Yuzuki (Kijima Noriko) no tiene idea sobre el club cuando se inscribe, y los miembros del club la secuestran y la retiran del salón del club. Allí, ella descubre que la estudiante de clase alta Aoi (Yoshizumi Haruna), su ídolo secreto, está en el club, y decide unirse, pero ...
The dead return to life as cruel predators - the so-called "returners" have spread all over the world. Only a few survivors succeeded in escaping from this madness. They are submerged in remote areas, because the cities were completely occupied by the returners. There is only one person who still daggers in the cities: the Undertaker. A dark hero, a champion of the battlefield and equipped for the world after the apocalypse, starts his own personal revenge campaign.
The dead return to life as cruel predators - the so-called "returners" have spread all over the world. Only a few survivors succeeded in escaping from this madness. They are submerged in remote areas, because the cities were completely occupied by the returners. There is only one person who still daggers in the cities: the Undertaker. A dark hero, a champion of the battlefield and equipped for the world after the apocalypse, starts his own personal revenge campaign.
On Your Back
The original short film by Naoyoshi Kawamatsu included with Undertaker
On Your Back
The original short film by Naoyoshi Kawamatsu included with Undertaker