Following the events of the original with the survivors attending the funeral of “Rad Chad” Buckley, which quickly devolves into an elaborate series of death traps centered around Chad’s favorite films, forcing the guests to band together and use the rules of horror to survive the bloody game.
Una joven bióloga, Mary Jane, que se centra en la lepidoptery (el estudio de las polillas y las mariposas), no tiene la vida perfecta; sin embargo, tiene lo que considera el hijo perfecto. La tragedia golpea y el mundo de Mary Jane se trastorna de manera inquietante. Huyendo del turbulento "mundo real", se embarca en un proyecto de arbustos solitarios. En el paisaje aislado y surrealista, Mary Jane comienza a experimentar fenómenos extraños. La oportunidad de ser madre nuevamente se presenta, solo que tiene un costo para Mary Jane y lo que queda de su familia.
Production Design
Ghostbusters meets The Matrix in this experimental short film from the makers of Wyrmwood: Road Of The Dead.
Production Design
When a terrorist attack hits Sydney releasing a highly contagious virus into the population, Detective Leyla Nassar (Ash Ricardo) must race across the city and find the culprits while the Deputy Premier Pamela Laird (Zoe Carides) battles power hungry politicians eager to use the catastrophe for their own nefarious means.
An American family takes a dream trip to the Australian outback and soon draws the attention of notorious serial killer Mick Taylor. A hellish nightmare ensues as the two children escape only to be hunted by Australia’s most infamous murderer.