In this raunchy and outlandish queer comedy, best friends Robby and Noah-Lee – employees at the historic Clinton Street Theater – find themselves confronted by a parade of increasingly wacky, genre-tinged suitors.
Creative Consultant
In the wake of a tense breakup, a young actress accidentally crashes her ex-boyfriend's retreat to a remote Oregon cabin.
Kenai, Alaska. July 1998. Commercial fishing has been closed for nine days. Dozens of workers have lost nearly an entire year's income waiting for regulations to lift... all while a nearby tourist spot teems with joyfully unregulated sportfishermen.
A student's increasingly intimate line of questioning causes his interview with a local horror host to take a vulnerable turn.
Over the course of one night, Danny's called to put his hook up on hold to comfort a recently heartbroken and in-need-of-her-gay-best-friend, Kara.
Over the course of one night, Danny's called to put his hook up on hold to comfort a recently heartbroken and in-need-of-her-gay-best-friend, Kara.
Over the course of one night, Danny's called to put his hook up on hold to comfort a recently heartbroken and in-need-of-her-gay-best-friend, Kara.
Un adolescente de Brooklyn sin objetivos lucha por escapar de su desoladora vida familiar y averiguar cuestiones sobre su identidad, mientras pasa el tiempo con sus amigos delincuentes, una posible nueva novia y hombres mayores que conoce online.