Marie Colomb

Marie Colomb


Marie Colomb
Marie Colomb
Marie Colomb


It's gonna be okay
After the ode to love of "Loving", the b-side, about sadness, breaks-up, loneliness.
The Beasts
Marie Denis
Una pareja francesa de mediana edad, Antoine y Olga, llega a vivir a un pueblo gallego en busca de una mayor cercanía con la naturaleza. Su presencia, sin embargo, enciende a dos lugareños, los hermanos Xan y Lorenzo, hasta el punto de una abierta hostilidad y luego una violencia impactante.
Magnetic beats
Bretaña, Francia, años ochenta. Un grupo de amigos, hartos de la aburrida vida campestre y ávidos de experimentar emociones, crean una emisora de radio.
Dje arrives in Paris penniless, relying on his charm to get by. He seizes every opportunity which comes his way, even if it means killing.
J'mange froid
Les amoureux
In a land at the end of the world, it is said that a magic forest exists that can make appear the being most desired by travelers who stay there, a creature from a distant memory, a dreamed present, or an uncertain future.
Ten years after a terrible disease has killed the majority of the human race, Stanislas Merrick, a former boxing champion, survives alone near a lake. In this world without humanity, his motivation to keep living starts to fade. His meaningless existence will be changed forever when he meets Esther, a teenager running from a refugee camp.
Un, deux, trois
Four years after an unsuccessful attempted bank robbery and a dead-end, Florian makes Julie's encounter at a strip club. Newly coupled, they decide to mount scams to bank loans.
La Voie royale
Gabriel Rose