Adam Carl

Adam Carl

Nacimiento : 1971-01-27, Fullerton, California, USA


Adam Carl


Gossamer Folds
In 1986, ten-year-old Tate Millikin is forced to spend a lonely summer witnessing the breakup of his parents' marriage. Tate eventually befriends his new next-door neighbors - recently retired English professor, Edward Bryant and his transgender daughter, Gossamer. Despite his father’s knee-jerk transphobia and his mother’s misplaced protectiveness, Tate forms a deep friendship with fellow misfit Gossamer, that changes his and their familys life.
El hombre lobo tiene pelotas
Documental que explora el éxito cosechado por la cinta "Una pandilla alucinante" (1987). Su protagonista principal, Andre Gower, realiza entrevistas a miembros del reparto y demuestra el fenómeno y la estela de seguidores que la cinta ha generado después de varias décadas.
The Midnighters
Bank manager
An aging ex-con struggles to adapt to the outside world after many years in prison--and begins to build a relationship with the grown son he never knew.
Waiting for Ophelia
After years of live-in domesticity, Caitlin wants to finally tie the knot with her union activist boyfriend Jonah, who is adamantly against the institution of marriage on principle. For their most recent "anniversary", the couple plans a quiet dinner with family and friends. But when one of the party doesn't show, the rest are forced to cool their heels, giving type-A Jonah plenty of time to be tortured by the fledgling relationship between his sister Zellie and her new boyfriend Jude, a recent ex-con. Throw in the bizarre behavior of his best friend Bart, and a defiant ultimatum from a fed-up Caitlin, and suddenly the night isn't shaping up quite the way Jonah had planned. There are recriminations and revelations as Jonah and caitlin get to find out whether all good things come to those who wait.
Waiting for Ophelia
After years of live-in domesticity, Caitlin wants to finally tie the knot with her union activist boyfriend Jonah, who is adamantly against the institution of marriage on principle. For their most recent "anniversary", the couple plans a quiet dinner with family and friends. But when one of the party doesn't show, the rest are forced to cool their heels, giving type-A Jonah plenty of time to be tortured by the fledgling relationship between his sister Zellie and her new boyfriend Jude, a recent ex-con. Throw in the bizarre behavior of his best friend Bart, and a defiant ultimatum from a fed-up Caitlin, and suddenly the night isn't shaping up quite the way Jonah had planned. There are recriminations and revelations as Jonah and caitlin get to find out whether all good things come to those who wait.
Waiting for Ophelia
After years of live-in domesticity, Caitlin wants to finally tie the knot with her union activist boyfriend Jonah, who is adamantly against the institution of marriage on principle. For their most recent "anniversary", the couple plans a quiet dinner with family and friends. But when one of the party doesn't show, the rest are forced to cool their heels, giving type-A Jonah plenty of time to be tortured by the fledgling relationship between his sister Zellie and her new boyfriend Jude, a recent ex-con. Throw in the bizarre behavior of his best friend Bart, and a defiant ultimatum from a fed-up Caitlin, and suddenly the night isn't shaping up quite the way Jonah had planned. There are recriminations and revelations as Jonah and caitlin get to find out whether all good things come to those who wait.
Waiting for Ophelia
Jonah Cross
After years of live-in domesticity, Caitlin wants to finally tie the knot with her union activist boyfriend Jonah, who is adamantly against the institution of marriage on principle. For their most recent "anniversary", the couple plans a quiet dinner with family and friends. But when one of the party doesn't show, the rest are forced to cool their heels, giving type-A Jonah plenty of time to be tortured by the fledgling relationship between his sister Zellie and her new boyfriend Jude, a recent ex-con. Throw in the bizarre behavior of his best friend Bart, and a defiant ultimatum from a fed-up Caitlin, and suddenly the night isn't shaping up quite the way Jonah had planned. There are recriminations and revelations as Jonah and caitlin get to find out whether all good things come to those who wait.
Pieces of Eight
The announcement of a wedding should be cause for celebration, but for the friends of newly engaged soap opera star Julia Baskin and ad exec Graham Everett, it seems to spark nothing but angst and seismic relationship shifts. "Pieces of Eight" gives us a funny, smart, heartfelt glimpse into the romantic relationships of a tight knit circle of twentysomething friends who have come to a critical juncture and must make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives.
Pieces of Eight
The announcement of a wedding should be cause for celebration, but for the friends of newly engaged soap opera star Julia Baskin and ad exec Graham Everett, it seems to spark nothing but angst and seismic relationship shifts. "Pieces of Eight" gives us a funny, smart, heartfelt glimpse into the romantic relationships of a tight knit circle of twentysomething friends who have come to a critical juncture and must make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives.
Pieces of Eight
The announcement of a wedding should be cause for celebration, but for the friends of newly engaged soap opera star Julia Baskin and ad exec Graham Everett, it seems to spark nothing but angst and seismic relationship shifts. "Pieces of Eight" gives us a funny, smart, heartfelt glimpse into the romantic relationships of a tight knit circle of twentysomething friends who have come to a critical juncture and must make decisions that will affect the rest of their lives.
El mejor amigo del hombre
Dog Catcher #2
Un perro mutado genéticamente se escapa del laboratorio del Dr. Jarret. Lori Tanner se lo encuentra y decide acogerlo en su casa, pero pronto se dará cuenta de que el cariñoso y protector animal es un asesino en potencia.
Freeze Frame
The highly intelligent Lindsay wants to become a reporter; Already in highschool she works for their paper. During her inquiries she discovers a big scandal, which seems to involve even the governor candidate Reinardt. Soon she and her friends are chased by dangerous criminals, but no one believes their accusations
Las tortugas ninja II: El secreto de los mocos verdes
Donatello (voice)
El malvado Shredder tiene un único y perverso plan: acabar con los cuatro superhéroes Tortugas Ninja Mutantes, Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo y Donatello. Para ello, secuestra al profesor Jordan Perry, creador del "moco verde" que hace posible la mutación de las Tortugas. Poco después, Shredder aplica la preciada sustancia a dos criaturas que acaba de reclutar, convirtiéndolos en terribles e imponentes guerreros ninja que lucharán e intentarán terminar con los superhéroes. Sin embargo, éstos logran hacen frente al peligroso criminal, con la ayuda de su maestro Splinter, la elegante periodista April y el repartidor de pizzas Keno.
De 14 a 30 en 15 segundos
Lloyd Duffy
Danny está perdidamente enamorado de su maestra Peggy Noble. Por supuesto, ella ni siquiera lo nota mientras planea casarse con el desagradable entrenador Roy "Jack-jaw" Kelton. El amigo de Danny inventa un acelerador de crecimiento de las frutas y verduras para "resolver el hambre mundial"; es entonces cuando Danny lo usa sobre sí mismo y se convierte en un adulto para así intentar mostrale a Peggy su verdadera personalidad. Sin embargo, en su primera aparición en la escuela como un adulto, es confundido con otra persona...
La revolución de las mariposas
Donald Poultry
El director del campamento es brutalmente asesinado por los chicos que han ido pasar sus vaciones de verano a él. Han encerrado a los que se han opuesto y han tomado el control salvajemente del lugar.
Muchas leyendas han surgido entorno a los "bigfoot", unas criaturas de más de dos metros, de altura semejante a los simios, que viven en regiones salvajes. Pero estas leyendas se vuelven sorprendentemente reales cuando dos jóvenes se encuentran cara a cara con un grupo de estos misteriosos animales. Una vez recuperados del susto, los jóvenes descubrirán a un despiadado cazador decidido a capturar y explotar a los bigfoot a toda costa. Dispuestos a salvar a las legendarias criaturas, los chicos recurrirán a una solitaria antropóloga en un arriesgado intento por proteger a los bigfoot de su violento destino.
Little Spies
When a runaway stray dog is rescued by the local neighborhood kids, they discover a nearby gang is involved.
The Buddy System
A school truant officer uncovers a young boy's attempt to fake his residential address and subsequently befriends the kid and his mother.
Defenders of the Earth Movie: The Necklace of Oros
The necklace of Oros would give Ming his long-awaited wish of knowing the secret of gravity. Knowing that it is Jedda's birthday and, on that day, she gets to select a gift from the family jewels Ming arranges through Gravitron that she select the necklace. Thus begins another splendid episode in which the forces of good and evil are colorfully depicted through luxurious landscapes and terrifying aliens.
Defenders of the Earth Movie: Prince of Kro-Tan
Kro-Tan overtakes his father only to fall prey to his own greediness. Kro-Tan, Ming's son, wants to take over his father's kingdom. He pays a visit to Zorelda, an old ugly witch with magical powers and asks for her support. Zorelda complies and gives Kro-Tan three powers: teleportation, telekenesis and disguise.
Defenders of the Earth Movie: The Book of Mysteries
The Defenders discover part of Morocco has vanished and fight to bring it back. But what is the connection to the book Kshin is reading for school?