Noam Imber

Noam Imber


Noam Imber


פול ספיד
an israeli movie about race cars
Siempre contigo
Aharon ha dedicado toda su vida a criar a su hijo Uri. Viven juntos en una rutina amable, lejos del mundo real. Pero Uri es autista y ya es lo suficientemente adulto para ir a un hogar especializado. En su camino a la institución, Aharon decide escaparse con su hijo y se lanzan a la carretera, sabiendo que Uri no está preparado para la separación. Aunque quizá sea el padre el que no está preparado.
Quality Time
A stoner teenager before army recruitment and his retired military career father are forced to stay alone at home for the first time when the mother goes on vacation. The tension between them leads to an explosion - But not the kind that they expected.
Beyond the Mountains and Hills
David is discharged from the army after serving for 27 years. He returns to his home and family after being distanced from them for years, and tries to find himself in his new civilian life. He believes that, like his friends who retired from the military before him, he too will find his way in some managerial position in the private sector, but he has difficulties adapting to the pace of the “new Israel”, a competitive culture obsessed with success and money.