Glenn Paxton


Vital Signs
Original Music Composer
Two doctors, a father and son, conceal their alcohol and drug problems in this potent look at the abuse of those substances that exist in the medical profession.
The Woman Who Willed a Miracle
Original Music Composer
Based on the true story of May Lemke. Her adopted son Leslie was born with cerebral palsy. May teaches him basic survival skills through the years. In his teens, he suddenly manifests an ability to play classical music on the piano.
Isabel's Choice
When the boss she helped climb the corporate ladder is forced into early retirement, a widowed executive secretary must choose between his surprise marriage proposal or new challenges and continuing her career by helping his successor adjust to his company duties.
La oscura noche del espantapajaros
Original Music Composer
Un joven con retraso mental es objeto de burla de todos en el pueblo donde vive, donde sólo una amiga le hace caso y juega con él. Cuando la niña aparece muerta, es acusado de su muerte, por lo que el joven huye disfrazándose de espantapájaros. Pero un grupo de hombres del pueblo lo encuentra...
Charlie and the Great Balloon Chase
Charlie Bartlett is a retired railroad worker whose dream of crossing the country in a hot air balloon is encouraged by his grandson Morris O'Neill, who decides to go along for the ride despite the misgivings of his widowed mother whose plans to remarry have left him disenchanted.
Schoolboy Father
High school senior discovers his summer girlfriend has given birth to his child, and decides to fight for custody.
What Are Friends For?
Two 12-year-old girls going through a divorce make a pact never to divorce their friendship.
The Two Worlds of Jennie Logan
Original Music Composer
Con la esperanza de reparar su matrimonio, Jennie Logan y su esposo se mudan a una hermosa mansión victoriana. Cuando Jennie se prueba un vestido antiguo que encuentra en el ático, es transportada cien años atrás, donde conoce al anterior propietario de la casa, David. A medida que sus sentimientos por David crecen, se hace evidente que Jennie no solo está dividida entre dos hombres y dos veces, sino que también enfrenta el peligro en ambos mundos.
The Clone Master
Original Music Composer
In order to test the validity of his experiments on cloning, a scientist makes clones of himself, but it causes problems that he didn't foresee.
It's a Mile from Here to Glory
A high school track star is involved in a life-threatening accident and now must learn to depend on others for his day-to-day living.
Cuando mueren las leyendas
Original Music Composer
Tras quedarse huérfano, el indio Tom Black Bull abandona la reserva y encuentra trabajo en el espectáculo del rodeo. Cuando Red Dillon, un astuto desbravador alcoholizado, se percata de sus habilidades para la monta, le enseña todos los trucos del oficio y lo convierte en una estrella del rodeo, pero él se queda con todas las ganancias y las derrocha en alcohol y mujeres.
The Stately Ghosts of England
A documentary-style TV programme made by NBC in which Margaret Rutherford and her husband Stringer Davis visit three so-called haunted mansions.