Sally Addinsall


El síndrome de Berlín
Set Decoration
Clare es una fotógrafa australiana que se encuentra de vacaciones en Berlín. Allí conoce a Andi, un joven carismático que pronto se gana la atención de la chica. La atracción entre ambos es instantánea y terminan pasando la noche juntos. Sin embargo, Clare se despierta a la mañana siguiente sola y atrapada en el apartamento de Andi.
That's Not Me
Production Design
Polly’s dreams of making it as an actor are shattered when her identical twin sister Amy lands the lead role in a huge TV show. Mistaken for her famous sister at every turn, Polly decides to use Amy’s celebrity for her own advantage – free clothes, free booze, casual sex… with hilarious and disastrous consequences for them both.
The Darkside
Set Decoration
Writer and Director Warwick Thornton has assembled a collection of the most poignant, sad, funny and absurd ghost stories from around Australia. He will bring them to life with the help of some of Australia's most iconic actors as the storytellers.