Kristin Adams
When Kristin’s life is turned upside down by a series of events, one of her friends recommends her seeing a “Life Coach,” Kristin finally meets the perfect match Ashley. The relationship between the two gets stronger and stronger and Ashley is always there for Kristin’s needs. ALWAYS. Through a series of events, Kristen digs into her Life Coach’s past and finds that Ashley may actually be a serial killing Mistress of Death.
Party Goer
Este film es una mezcla multifacetica de terror, ciencia ficción y misterio, con distintas historias sobre espíritus, demonios y fenómenos paranormales que desafian el entendimiento de la raza humana y los negros. The Dark Tapes ha desfilado en distintos festivales de cine independiente, llevandose premios debajo del brazo haya por donde ha pasado. Se vaticina un estreno de comentarios de los mas diversos.