Jack Reacher (Tom Cruise), un antiguo policía militar que vive semiescondido como un vagabundo y que trabaja por su cuenta, decide investigar el caso de un francotirador que ha sido acusado de matar, por puro azar, a cinco personas en un tiroteo. Al ser interrogado, el francotirador se declara inocente y, además, exige la presencia de Jack Reacher.
Art Direction
Among the legends of Hollywood, George Pal takes his place as a true visionary, an innovator and a showman who profoundly shaped the art of motion pictures. A peer of Walt Disney, Pal pioneered stop motion animation and went on to virtually invent the modern science fiction and fantasy film genres. Pal's extraordinary genius molded a dazzling array of films, which earned an incredible total of eight Academy Awards and left a cinematic legacy that served as formative inspiration for the movies of George Lucas, Steven Spielberg and Gene Roddenberry.
Art Direction
El Enterprise transporta a un grupo de científicos que se disponen a poner a prueba el mayor experimento jamás imaginado por el hombre: la formación de vida en un planeta inerte.
Art Direction
Six rough and tumble motor cyclists meet at the side of an empty highway to plan their adventurous excursion cycling to Los Angeles. The burly bunch are Michael (John Alderman), David (Tom Basham), Henry (Bob Bihiller), Arnold (Bruce Kimbal), Eddie (Henry Olek) and Ronnie (Maurice Warfield). They're deceptive: although they look like the adventure addicted non-conformists of today out to raise Hell as they brawl their way over countryside and local towns, actually the six are on a different type of trip to the City of the Angels.