Clayton has a problem with his roommate Brian... he's secretly in love with him! Blinded by passion, he can't tell the difference between his daydream fantasies and reality. Can he control his desire or will he cross the line?
Get ready for action with adult film's hottest blonde! Jill Kelly is a desperado on the run in this, the latest erotic action thriller from Brad Armstrong and Greg Steele. She electrifies the screen in a role that will have you on the edge of your seat, and at the point of no return. And just when you thought it was safe to go back into the bedroom...you're Double Crossed, dude.
Un aquelarre de vampiras opera tras una agencia de modelos escorts conocida como Blonde Heaven. Angie viene de Oklahoma para intertar hacer carrera en la industria del cine, pero su novio Kyle le sigue. La líder de los vampiros, Illyana, se interesa por Angie y le convence para que trabaje para la agencia, aunque tiene también otros planes para ella. Mientras las vampiras realizan su sórdido trabajo en Los Angeles (y Angie se involucra en él completamente), Kyle y un cazavampiros se unen para intentar detener a los monstruos.