A comedic "true crime" documentary following the murders connected to chocolate bar mascot and children's television host, Blah Blah the Clown.
Sheila the Interviewer
Dos años después de derrotar a la secta satánica liderada por la niñera Bee, Cole trata de olvidar su pasado para centrarse así en sobrevivir al instituto. Cuando viejos enemigos regresan, Cole no tendrá más remedio que volver a enfrentarse a las fuerzas del mal.
Meet Sharma
An affluent Indian American family implodes under the pressures of a family member's untreated mental illness.
Brandon Rogers stars as the screaming, foul-mouthed host of an overly colorful low-budget children's TV show featuring the worst advice for kids, an inept crew, and numerous technical difficulties.
A contract killer who has little enthusiasm for his work faces a dilemma when he is instructed to kill the woman he loves.
When a manual scavenger cannot continue her work, her 11-year-old daughter picks up where the mother left off.