Candles in the Dark es la historia de una niña que viene a visitar la tierra natal de su padre, la República Soviética de Estonia. Después de su llegada, descubre que su padre es parte de la clandestinidad antisoviética disidente. Pronto se ve envuelta en la lucha con su padre y muchos nuevos amigos, y la KGB la persigue.
The conceit is that Sherlock Holmes is, as in reality, a fictional creation of Arthur Conan Doyle, but that the place where his office would be is maintained by the brilliant detective Shirley Holmes, who both solves crimes and maintains a museum for people who think Sherlock Holmes is real -- accompanied by a phonograph playing music from the Livanov series which had not long ended. She is accompanied, as might be expected, by a woman Watson, and must fight off the affections of both a Scotland Yard inspector an a parody Latin lover from Spain.