Rodrigo Torres


The Siege
Ana is surrounded. In the apartment below, the ghosts of the past and on the terrace, the ghosts of the future.
Encantado, le Brésil désenchanté
Camera Operator
Considered for a few years the “country of the future”, Brazil has seen since 2013 a deep disenchantment between the middle and popular classes that culminated with the rise of Jair Bolsonaro to the Presidency in 2018. Enchanted portrays this recent Brazilian history from a homonymous neighborhood of the Rio suburb transfigured by the 2016 Olympics. From Rio to Paris, a political and poetic testimony of Brazil through the eyes of the first generation of the popular class to study abroad.
Nova Iorque
Executive Producer
Hermila and Leandro want to escape. Hermila and Leandro want to stay.
Bogotá 2016
Director of Photography
Tres guiones, cada uno con independencia argumental, tienen en común una visión de la capital colombiana en 2016.
Alguien mató algo
Camera Operator
Heriberta, pequeña y hermosa niña, es hija de una madre de ortodoxa religiosidad y de un médico ya muerto, de quien heredó un libro de anatomía y un fino bisturí. Su madre cree que la niña va a ser médico como su padre, pero ella lo que quiere es ser vampiro. Heriberta le teme a crecer, a envejecer, a ser como su madre o a morir como su progenitor.