Nellie Bowman


Vote for Huggett
Old Lady
A firm of solicitors do battle with the head of the local council over a parcel of river front land, owned by the Huggett family, in order to build a lido/community center.
Waterloo Road
Londres (1940). Tillie Colter se encuentra sola en la ciudad. Mientras su marido está en el frente luchando, la joven se acabará enamorando de Ted Purvis, quien ha podido evitar alistarse en el ejército. Cuando el marido de Tillie, Jim, se entera de la relación, abandona el ejército para regresar a casa.
Down Our Street
A Ministry of Information film, in which three women, all from one street but different class backgrounds, mysteriously congregate at one house. Their paths may rarely have crossed in pre-war society, yet the experience of war appears to have helped remove some of their class prejudices. After all, these three housewives now share a common interest, their sons all serve in the armed forces.